Basically, I am looking for some people that are good with spawn points and weapon placement. I am horrible when it comes to stuff like this and I want to make sure my spawn points are in good locations as well as weapons. Right now I still have some extra things thrown into the map and am not sure if it is good for gameplay or not. I also don't have a name for it yet since I am horrible when it comes to naming my maps. I guess you can say that it is a small to medium sized map and has been created in sanbox in the sky bubble. It is medieval inspired and the bases almost resemble castles. A few people from my friend list that have seen the map so far, really like it. I am available monday through friday 4pm-11pm EST. If you are able to come and give me some pointers and help me with this, send me a message or just leave a comment here of when you are available and we can try and get this set up.
Moved to Forge Discussion. I'd love to say I'll help, but I think I'm too busy sorry there. Feel free to send me an invite but the chances are I won't be able to join :/. What I'd recommend is to look at some Bungie maps, look at some featured maps with good spawns, and see how they did it. You can kind of get an idea of how things are meant to be like that way, try it out similarly, and then have someone look them over and offer advice. It saves the other guy some time.