Hello Forge Hub community, its CK Yoflorg here with a big favor! My last map Bolivian was good and I am making a V2. But thats beside the point. I need you, the community, to give me an idea for a new map. Any ideas will work. It cannot be an Infection Map. The ways you can give me ideas are...Send me a message on Youtube name is Yoflorg, send me a message on X-box Live GT: CK Yoflorg, Forge Hub, A drawing you can put on Forge Hub; Youtube ect. I will give whoevers idea is best half of the credit. So please Forge Hub Community Help Me Out!!! -CK Yoflorg
Well the problem is that we also all lack idea most of the time. And when we do get a good one, we don't go spreading it around the community so everyone can steal it. We keep it private until we finish the map. So currently I am also out of idea's, but you can get someone that you can Forge with and share idea's. Other then that, I leave you alone on this one buddy.
Well someone already made a giant *****; so my idea is gone. What I would suggest doing is making the coolest structure you can possibly think of. something mindblowing and unique that you would want to be the highlight of your next map. Then take that and build off it. You just need to keep the ideas flowing, and you'll be fine.