Need Help Finishing a Map =/

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Caggy123, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. Caggy123

    Caggy123 Forerunner

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    I started making my 1st Halo Reach map and just finished, but don't know how to make it compatible with all gametypes.

    I would also love if any experienced forgers could take a look at it and tell me what u think. My gamertag is Caggy123, I'll be online in the next 2 hours or so so just send me a F request.

    P.S. I think this is the right section of the forum but not sure. Don't flame me if it's not.
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    You might include some description of your map to give people an idea what you're up to. There's so many people forging right now that just a general cry for help without any kind of sales pitch probably won't result in much.

    For setting up map game types, start with this thread. For most of the gametypes you need game-specific objects set up - flag spawn and capture points in CTF, bomb spawn points and bomb goal points in assault, hill markers in KOTH, and so forth, and for some of them you want to set up respawn zones as well.
  3. Caggy123

    Caggy123 Forerunner

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    Found an awesome post explaining what I'm supposed to do, slowly working at fixing it now.

    Anyways, my map is a cave style map taking place in the tunnel between the area where hemorrhage is and the area where paradisio is. It was originally intended to be a pure CTF map but I'm thinking I can adapt it to work for multiple gametypes. It has long lines of sight great for sniping/DMR'ing. Like I said I found an awesome thread to help me but advice is still welcome. GT is Caggy123 once again.

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