Need help / answers for a foundation remake

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mysterio 116, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Mysterio 116

    Mysterio 116 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Structure is built and weapons are placed. I need to know a few things though...
    1: What teams spawned in what bases? I think it was red in 1 blue in 4?
    2: For multi team, what were the other 2 colors in halo 2?
    3: It would be great it someone had a map that has all the spawn points from the original.. i know this is a stretch but i suck with spawning.
    4: I found the weapon respond times from a list someone made a long time ago.. rocket launcher 30 seconds? really?
    5: and finally objectives.. what game types for this map and where were they located... aka KotH Territories flag spawns oddball...

    Any help is greatly appreciated, I want this map to be as close to the original as humanly possible. Thanks in advance!
  2. DoNotPassGo

    DoNotPassGo Mythic

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    1) Not sure exactly. They spawned across from each other so assuming Red was 1 then Blue was likely 3 (cannot remember if they went in order)

    2) Red, Blue, Green, Gold

    3) Probably be hard to find.

    4) Yes, they were. They only had 2 shots in them, and you had to get the ammo boxes for more. The ammo boxes were 1:00. Also, remember that these used the H2 power weapon system. The timer for the respawn did not start until someone dropped the weapon with no ammo, or it was dropped and despawned. It's not like a drop spawn of every 30 seconds.

    5) I usually only played slayer or zombies on this map, so I cannot say for sure. Using common assumption:

    CTF = Flags placed in start bases (likely directly in the center); or right out front of rooms.
    Oddball = Either center (no sword for this?) or inside/outside from one of the side rooms.
    KOTH/Territories = No idea, sorry.
  3. ToRn1ne

    ToRn1ne Mythic

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    1) Red was in the dark room with the two ceiling fans, Blue was in the room with the yellow tanks, green was in the room with the grating, and yellow was in the room with the weapon cases (this is off of memory so you may want to double check)

    2) Red, Blue, Yellow/Gold, Green

    3) I roughly remember some of the spawn points on the interior of the map, but I don't believe there is a full reference by anyone as that information is difficult to accurately track

    4) ^Above poster nailed it

    5) I loved Foundation for multi-team objective gametypes so I have a good memory of a few of the modes but you still may want to look back at the original for an exact reference by having friends help you in custom games or by signing in other controllers to have dummy players:

    Multi-Flag CTF - Flags spawns in the room of respective team directly in the center
    Single-Flag CTF - Directly in center near Energy Sword spawn (I think)
    Territories - Four total, one in each room. The area was a Square that covered the room between the two, large parallel walls (i.e. if you stood in the very back of the room or close to the door you would be out of the territory).
    KOTH - Five total, one in each room and a fifth in the center at Energy Sword spawn. The room ones are identical in size and shape to the territories, the one in the middle was a circle that encompassed the interior of the four walls (i.e. a player could crouch near the slits and still be in the circle).
    Oddball - Not sure
    Assault - Same set-up as CTF

    I'm looking forward to your Foundation remake as I was planning on doing one myself but instead I'm working on an original map inspired by Foundation.

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