There's a list of people that want to play customs here. I don't know how many of them will be willing to play Halo 3 though, haha.
I do custom games. I also do BIOC, which is about Infection custom games. So if you like Infection, I'd definitely check it out sometime!
Hello, I'm a TGIF host (thanks god its friday*) and we play custom games every week, you can see a lot of people from the forum there. To sign up, stay alert in the announcements section.
Really? Woe, they lied to us in the thread post so... :O And I'm already your friend at Xbox Live dude. XD Redy93 Lol
Hello I am the founder/leader of the FFC (forge fight customs)its a group dedicated for customs.we haven't really picked up yet but I'm planning for wave one soon.if you want customs almost on a weekly basis guaranteed(provided we get enough people)just check it out you will probely also meet several people there who would want to play with you.