I made this map when I first got Reach and didn't have any live time. When making it, I had not seen any other forge creations yet, so it is completely original. Anyways, I would love to make it into a functioning map, but I don't necessarily have a good feel for the gameplay flow of Reach multiplayer yet, and don't think I am quite qualified to set up the spawns/objectives/weapons for it. I also ****ING hate this step in the forging process. So I would like somebody to help me out. This is not a map adoption, and whoever helps me I will list as a co-forger and give credit where it is due. And we can be super cool friends Note: This layout isn't necessarily the final version, and I am open to suggestions. Anyways... here is the map: Here is the location of the map in FW:
I tend to do that, sorry. When I viewed the post it said (1 view) and I was like /sad, no one wants to help. and then I stated how I'm shy, and then proceeded to gay it up. But I'm online right now so if you want to do it throw me a ****in inviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite.
Sounds good. In the meantime I'm going to slave over this hot forge and get pissed off at this ****ing tunnel idea. /dies