Need Campaign help?Un-Official Campaign helpers.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Playerhata27, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Un-Oficcial Campaign Help Group
    Speacial thanks to Pwncakes for making this picture without me =)

    Well lately I've been bored with myslef and Halo 3.I have been feeling in the campaign mood though.Just folowing the story and such.As some of you may know not everyone likes campaign ,actually mostly no one likes campaign.Though there are alot of users that never completed campaign,missing skulls,or missing terminal.Well anyone that that applies to I'm (and any other members) are your guys.

    For GMT Help Go Here

    But there is a sign up form to become a Member of the group or a Recipient.


    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username:
    XBL Gamertag:
    Mic: Yes/no
    Beaten Campaign:Yes/no
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Easy/Normal/Herioc/Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull:Out of 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals:Out of 7
    Timezone:Please Report In GMTE.g: EST=GMT-5, CST=GMT-6, MST=GMT-7 and PST=GMT-8.
    Days Available: Dates That You Can Play On.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Ex:I Can play from 6:30 -9:30 without stopping.

    Recipient Sign-Up Form
    FH USername:
    XBL Gamertag:
    Level(s) Needed To Complete:
    Difficulty Level:Easy/Normal/Herioc/Legendary
    Skulls Needed:Name The Skull You Need
    Terminals Needed:Name Terminal On Which Level It Is On
    Timezone: Please report In GMT E.g: EST=GMT-5, CST=GMT-6, MST=GMT-7 and PST=GMT-8.[/b]
    Days Available:Dates That You Can Play On
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Ex:I Can play from 6:30-9:30 without stopping.


    Members Section

    FH Username: Norbert220
    XBL Gamertag: Norbert220
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13 Out of 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 7 Out of 7
    Timezone: GMT-8.
    Days Available: Any day that I'm in town.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Most afternoons.

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: Snipers Stealth
    XBL Gamertag: Snipers Stealth
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13 out of 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 7 out of 7
    Timezone: GMT (I is UK)
    Days Available: Usually any day with notice.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Usually any time (afternoon) with notice.

    FH name: hellclown
    GT: The Clown 117
    MIC: yes
    Beaten campaign:yes
    (^if so^) on what difficulty: mixed normal through legendary
    skull locations known:14/14
    terminals: 8/8
    time zone:GMT -7
    when available: weekends mostly
    time: most of the day might have to leave for short periods of time

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: Xx Esotericz xX
    XBL Gamertag: Xx Esotericz
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13 out of 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 7 out of 7
    Timezone: Central
    Days Available: Almost everytime (Grounded for the summer for endof the year prank :( )
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: AnyTime

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: Monsta Masha
    XBL Gamertag: Monsta Masha
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign: Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Normal
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13/13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: Can't remember
    Timezone: GMT
    Days Available: Most days
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Most of the time if I'm not going out somewhere.

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username:Reaper of bunny
    XBL Gamertag:Reaper of Bunny
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull:13 of 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals:8 of 7 (secret one on cortana lolz)
    Days Available: most of the time
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: W/e I feel like it(Im on Vacation right now so wont be home for 2 weeks)

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username:made49
    XBL Gamertag:made49
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull:Out13 of 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals:7 of 7
    Timezone: EST=GMT-5
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: I Can play from 8-4 without stopping in the morning when im on.
    when im on: it varies sometimes in the mornin others after 5pm

    FH Username:The Official Y35
    XBL Gamertag: LI I III II I
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On:Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13 Out of 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 7 Out of 7
    Days Available: Just ask
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Whenever, ask for specific times.

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: Eteran00
    XBL Gamertag: Eteran00
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13 out of 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 7 of 7
    Timezone: CST=GMT-6
    Days Available: All days but Wednesday and every other Sunday.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Mosty Afternoons and Evenings

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username:Thorax tehGREAT
    XBL Gamertag:Thorax tehGREAT
    Mic: as of now it is broken
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull:13 of 13 but i cant remeber the code for IWHBYD
    Knows Location Of Terminals:7 out of 7
    Days Available: Most everyday
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 9-11pm for sure but rest of day is iffy

    FH Username: Malauk
    XBL Gamertag: Malauk
    Mic: Veries
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary w/ all skulls activated
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13 and the secret skull on cortana.
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 7 and secret one on cortana
    Timezone: GMT-8.
    Days Available: Almost everyday this summer.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Veries

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: Th Kn1ght
    XBL Gamertag: Th Kn1ght
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull:have all of them
    Knows Location Of Terminals:that is what I need help on
    Timezone:EST=Gmt-5Days available: almost anytime
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 1-4 usually... Almost always actually...

    FH Username: a P3Rson
    XBL Gamertag: a P3Rson
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: all the normal ones plus that one on cortana that doesn't do anyhting
    Knows Location Of Terminals:all the non-secret ones(if there are secret ones)
    Timezone: EST=GMT-5
    Days Available: all summer except days i'm at concerts and stuff
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: uhhhh like 6:00 to 11:00. sometimes i'm on in the mornin' too until like 11:30.

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: cambam47
    XBL Gamertag: camspy007
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Normal
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13 of 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 7 Out of 7
    Timezone: GMT
    Days Available: Everyday from 4:00pm-6:00pm
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 4:00pm-6:00pm

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: E93
    XBL Gamertag: Eduardo Dubs
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes AND no
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 0 ( I have the achievement though...)
    Days Available: Friday, Saturday, Sunday and whenever I don't have school.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Until 10 pm for sure.

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: PwnCakes
    XBL Gamertag: OP l PwnCakes l <--- Those are L's Btw.
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign: Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13 out of 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 7 out of 7
    Timezone: GMT -8
    Days Available: Every day of the week, just ask me.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 5:30 - 11:00

    FH Username: Philthyphillup
    XBL Gamertag: Philthyphillup
    Mic: Yes but i dont talk alot.
    Beaten Campaign: Im on the last level
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull:13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 8
    Timezone: GMT-8.
    Days Available: Every other week.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: when im on, im on for hours and hours.

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: TurboGerbil
    XBL Gamertag: Turbo Gerbil604
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign: Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 8
    Timezone: GMT-8.
    Days Available: Weekends
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 5:30-7:30

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: PureCallum
    XBL Gamertag: PureCallum
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    Difficulty Beaten On: Heroic
    Knows Location Of Skull:all of them
    Knows Location Of Terminals: all of them
    Timezone: +9:30
    Days Available: Weekends. I have the school holidays coming up in 3 weeks so I'll be on more then
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Changes from day to day. I can be on most afternoons though.

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username:MLGLR playahater
    XBL Gamertag:MLGLR playahata
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull:5/13
    Knows Location Of Terminals:4/8
    Timezone: GMT-5 (East Coast)
    Days Available:Every day
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 6:30-9:30.

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: unforgiven91
    XBL Gamertag: Unforgiven91
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign: Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13 Out of 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 13 Out of 7
    Days Available: Any Date Except June 27th - July 6th and July 20th - July 28th
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: I can play almost all day during the summer without stopping (Depends on how pushy the fam is)

    Recipient Section

    Recipient Sign-Up Form
    FH USername: zTo Norlinsky
    XBL Gamertag: zTo Norlinsky
    Mic: Yes
    Level(s) Needed To Complete: 3-4
    Difficulty Level: Normal-Legendary
    Skulls Needed: I have about 4-5 right now
    Terminals Needed: All...I guess...if they're on the way. Not an achievement *****
    Timezone: Please report In GMT E.g: EST=GMT-5, CST=GMT-6, MST=GMT-7 and PST=GMT-8.[/b]
    Days Available: Any
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 12-5 and 6-11(all PM)

    Recipient Sign-Up Form
    FH USername: JohnBrodish
    XBL Gamertag: John Brodish
    Mic: Yes
    Level(s) Needed To Complete: 1, 3-10
    Difficulty Level: Legendary
    Skulls Needed: None
    Terminals Needed: If they're on the way then I'll grab them, otherwise not a big deal.
    Timezone: US Central, (idk the GMT thing)
    Days Available: Any
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 10AM - 3PM, 10PM-1AM

    Recipient Sign Up Form:
    FH Username: Blue Pariot
    XBL Gamer Tag: Blue Pariot
    Mic: Yes
    Levels needed to complete: All (I beat them on a non XBL account tho)
    Difficulty: Legendary
    Skulls: Have them all
    Terminals: Need them all
    Timezone: GMT= PST -8
    Days available: Any in the summer
    Times I can play: Pretty much whenever. Definately 10 - 12 pm though

    FH USername:Elrik
    XBL Gamertag:Elriik
    Mic:Yes(but it's a little to small for my head >.<)
    Level(s) Needed To Complete:All >.< i havent beaten Campeign past easy yet
    Difficulty Level:Herioc
    Skulls Needed:All
    Terminals Needed:All
    Timezone: im not sure which i am but im Canada/ontario/toronto
    Days Available:all(my parents have joint custody so i cant play on every other weekend
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: (mon,wen,every other fri,sat and sunday)3:00-9:30(pm to pm)(and on tue,thu and everyother weekend)3:00-6:30

    Recipient Sign-Up Form
    FH USername: Actualy cool
    XBL Gamertag: Acutaly cool
    Mic: Yes
    Level(s) Needed To Complete: Most
    Difficulty Level: Legendary
    Skulls Needed: None, full hyabusa FTW!!!
    Terminals Needed: I'm not sure, I have most of the terminals, I think i'm missing the one halo
    Timezone: Est
    Days Available: Any in the sumer
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Once again, anytime in the sumer.

    Recipient Sign-Up Form
    FH USername: E93
    XBL Gamertag: Eduardo Dubs
    Level(s) Needed To Complete: 2-9
    Difficulty Level: Legendary
    Skulls Needed: All
    Terminals Needed: I don't care for terminals, already got the achievement
    Days Available: Friday, Weekends and no school days.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Until 10 pm.

    Recipient Sign-Up Form
    FH USername: pwninatr
    XBL Gamertag: pwninatr
    Mic: yes
    Level(s) Needed To Complete: whatever the terminals are on
    Difficulty Level: w/e
    Skulls Needed: none
    Terminals Needed: All.. i think.. i may just be missing one because i thought i went through and got them all but i guess not.
    Timezone: CST=GMT-6
    Days Available: just about any weekday
    Time Able To Play Non-stop:almost all day most weekdays

    Recipient Sign-Up Form
    FH USername: Shotgunz
    XBL Gamertag: Shotzgunz4u
    Level(s) Needed To Complete: All Levels except the first one
    Difficulty Level: Legendary
    Skulls Needed: Idk I have the top row and 2 on the bottom row.
    Terminals Needed: All
    Timezone: EST=GMT-6,
    Days Available: Tues.-Friday
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 9:00am- 5:00pm nonstop

    Recipient Sign-Up Form
    FH USername: wavydave1
    XBL Gamertag:Dave the Rave52
    Level(s) Needed To Complete:ALL
    Difficulty Level: Legendary
    Skulls Needed: NONE
    Terminals Needed: NONE
    Timezone: GMT + 1
    Days Available:ALL DAYS
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: ERM... ALL THE TIME, Except Mondays-Fridays at 8:00 till 16:00

    Recipient Sign-Up Form
    FH USername: sir derp
    XBL Gamertag: sir derp
    Level(s) Needed To Complete: the storm to the end
    Difficulty Level:Legendary
    Skulls Needed:all skulls that are in the storm and beyond
    Terminals Needed: all
    Timezone: Gmt -6
    Days Available:july 14th, 15th, 16th
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 4:00 pm to 12:00am (unless something comes up)
    #1 Playerhata27, Jun 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008
    Furious D 18 likes this.
  2. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: PwnCakes
    XBL Gamertag: OP l PwnCakes l <--- Those are L's Btw.
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign: Yes
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13 out of 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 7 out of 7
    Timezone: GMT -8
    Days Available: Every day of the week, just ask me.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 5:30 - 11:00

    Just to tell ya... there's only 7 terminals...

    First Three are on the Ark.
    Then Three on the Covenant.
    The 1 on halo... so yeah... :) ill be glad to help anyone.
  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool idea, but I'm never playing Legendary again, ever.
    Makes me cry. And go :confused: when I randomly get sniped.
  4. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i serisouly dont mind playing campaign again because i havent played in like 8 months... so yeah... I just dont wanna play on easy... lol :)
  5. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    FH Username: Philthyphillup
    XBL Gamertag: Philthyphillup
    Mic: Yes but i dont talk alot.
    Beaten Campaign: Im on the last level
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull:13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 8
    Timezone: GMT-8.
    Days Available: Every other week.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: when im on, im on for hours and hours.
  6. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There's only 7 termanals though... so that makes no sense... if you know wher all of them are...?
  7. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username:
    XBL Gamertag:
    Turbo Gerbil604
    Beaten Campaign:
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On:
    Knows Location Of Skull:
    Knows Location Of Terminals:
    Timezone: GMT-8.
    Days Available: Weekends
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 5:30-7:30

    Don't pester me too much.
    And about achievements, for points I suggest normal, two players and all skulls except Blind, Iron, Black Eye. Famine and cowbell are players choice.
    Legendary is easiest with 4 players and Grunt Birthday party, of course.
    Grunt birthday party is necessary whenever you're playing campaign.
  8. PureCallum

    PureCallum Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username: PureCallum
    XBL Gamertag: PureCallum
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes
    Difficulty Beaten On: Heroic
    Knows Location Of Skull:all of them
    Knows Location Of Terminals: all of them
    Timezone: +9:30
    Days Available: Weekends. I have the school holidays coming up in 3 weeks so I'll be on more then
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Changes from day to day. I can be on most afternoons though.

    there is actually eight. Only 7 of them count towards the marathon man achievement. The eighth one is in Cortana and plays a voice clip of cortana.

    I'll be happy to play legendary with anyone as I want the achievement and the armor for it.

    As for other stuff I'll play with campaign scoring and skulls on.
  9. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Recipient Sign-Up Form
    FH USername: Actualy cool
    XBL Gamertag: Acutaly cool
    Mic: Yes
    Level(s) Needed To Complete: Most
    Difficulty Level: Legendary
    Skulls Needed: None, full hyabusa FTW!!!
    Terminals Needed: I'm not sure, I have most of the terminals, I think i'm missing the one halo
    Timezone: Est
    Days Available: Any in the sumer
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Once again, anytime in the sumer.

    I mainly just want help beating legendary, I'm seriously tired of getting my self pwned at campaine, finding the terminals i'm missing would be a bonus.
  10. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Alright guys I'll add you to the list.
  11. E93

    E93 Guest

    Ever since I got the Legendary DLC, I lost all of my campaign stats. All of my skulls, all of my armor perms athat were campaign related (Hayabusa for one). It says now that I haven't ever even played campaign. I had it beat on Legendary and had all the skulls though. Bungie just hates me. So that's why I'm gonna sign up for both:

    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username:
    XBL Gamertag: Eduardo Dubs
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:Yes AND no
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: 13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: 0 ( I have the achievement though...)
    Days Available: Friday, Saturday, Sunday and whenever I don't have school.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Until 10 pm for sure.

    Recipient Sign-Up Form
    FH USername: E93
    XBL Gamertag: Eduardo Dubs
    Level(s) Needed To Complete: 2-9
    Difficulty Level: Legendary
    Skulls Needed: All
    Terminals Needed: I don't care for terminals, already got the achievement
    Timezone: EST=GMT-5
    Days Available: Friday, Weekends and no school days.
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: Until 10 pm.
  12. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Alright I added you to the list and hopefully we could get some people in today?anyone?
  13. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I'll take who ever... when ever... i can take actually cool 2day if he's on.
  14. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Well I'll send him a Pm or you could.
  15. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Member Sign-Up Form
    FH Username:
    XBL Gamertag: Kagemusha Xx
    Mic: Yes
    Beaten Campaign:No
    (^If So^) Difficulty Beaten On: Legendary
    Knows Location Of Skull: Achievements unlocked13
    Knows Location Of Terminals: Achievement unlocked
    Days Available: Everyday since I don't have to play
    Time Able To Play Non-stop: 2 PM - 10 PM American Time
    #15 Kagemusha, Jun 16, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2008
  16. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Could you post it in the format I gave for recipient pleaze.Just copy and paste
  17. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Don't worry, I learned on my own.

    About time though.
  18. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Wait lol so you are or not.
  19. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Huh? Screw it. What I meant I learned was that I finally knew how to do the space from words.

    PS: I cannot play some levels on Halo, I already know two which are The Storm and Halo (final level.) I'll see if I can find anymore in a bit.
  20. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    O lol but what I need you do to is Copy & Paste the recipient form into the reply box and just erase some of the examples and put in stuff that apllies to you.

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