I'm wondering whether the mythic maps will come out on the 9th U.S. time, or anywhere on the 9th, because here in china it'll be the 9th in 45 minutes! Please reply ASAP!
I'd assume it would be released on the 9th, American time. Most other things are. It's 1am the 9th of April for me. I just checked the Marketplace and it isn't available, yet.
Oh dang.. Well I guess I'll just check back at 12 EDIT: nope, it's 12:05 and I didn't find anything Guess I'll have to wait another 12 hours Requesting lock plz
Microsoft sometimes doesn't release at midnight, so its best to check the day after. I'm not sure of the time zone in China, but let's say, if it were 12 hours ahead of us, and we got a midnight release for the maps, it'd be noon release in China. (hope you got that)