I don't know if I'm putting this in the right forum, but I need a gametype where you start with no gun. Does anyone possibly have one that they could put in there file share for me to download? I would really appreciate this. Thank you.
Forge Hub does not deal, or condone anything related to mods. Sorry man, but this thread is being reported, and will be locked.
Sorry, but FH does not support modded content, because Bungie is against it and will ban members with Modded content on their fileshare. Edit: lol Light beat me to it.
...you have 256 posts on ForgeHub, and you don't know that we don't do illegal mods? Closest thing you can get to having no gun would be to have a Plasma Pistol or some other gun where you've manufactured the map so that they have to waste all their shots before they enter combat. Aside from that, can't help you...
your best bet, although im not saying its right, is to search for one on google you wont find one here trust me.