Need a map video?

Discussion in 'Reach Screenshots & Videos' started by Grif otaged, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
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    I know a few poeple are already doing this but, if you have a map that you wanna show in a VIDEO and don't know how to do it, i will for you. FREE!!!!!!

    1- go theatre mode and record a clip up to 3:00 minutes long for a slayer, or scenery map.
    if its a invasion map tell me in advance.

    2- upload clip to your fileshare. then send me a private msg on forgehub to your fileshare.

    3- Ill do the rest on getting it to my computer.

    An example of how the intro for your video would be below.

    YouTube - video preview
  2. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Wait wat. The Forgehub and the Skittle Production intros looked like the only things I couldn't do with Windows Movie Maker 2.6. Are you implying that we don't have Movie Maker?
  3. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
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    im talking to those who dont know how to
  4. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    How can you not know how to use Movie Maker?
    Windows Live MM is a matter of click, drag and drop and WMM2 (the one on XP) is click and drag in to then first box the click and drag on to the timeline.

    Plus, you've got an inconsistent screen ratio (Forge Hub logo is 16:9, the rest of the video is 4:3. Besides, should you even be using that Forge Hub logo seeing as you're not making official Forge Hub videos?)

    And now for some useful help!

    No credits. Especially not scrolling credits like that. They're horrible and people aren't going to watch them. When you go to the cinema, how many people actually stay in there seats to watch the credits? I don't mean the extra bits after the credits, I mean the credits themselves. Nobody. Nobody sits in the cinema and thinks "oh, I can't get up and go yet, the credits are still going, I'd better stay". They just get up and go.

    Same goes for YouTube. If I see there's 10 seconds left of a video and credits start rolling, I don't stay and watch. I just move on to the next page!
    Besides, if anyone wants to download the map then you'll probably have posted a link to the Forge Hub thread, which will be more permanent and easier to edit for the map creator than a link to Bnet.

    And "A Skittle Production Presents"? Huh? This video is a presented by something Skittle produced?

    [gosh, I'm being very critical]

    You don't even need the music. I often either don't have my headphones in or mute the video when I hear low quality music start to play. It often has nothing to do with whats happening in the video and will be badly cut. The effect is I have a better impression of the map. If I'm watching the video in the first place its because I wanted to see the map, not to find out the music tastes of the creator.

    All you really need is the gameplay footage with the map name and the creators name in the corner like a subtitle. Then you might as well just be offering free video capture services, get the video and email it to the person requesting it.
    #4 DMM White, Nov 23, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2010
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I agree with some of your points above, credits should be more concise etc. However, some people simply don't want to put spend even a little time getting to grips with WMM or similar just for the sake of making one video. If he's offering to do it and even just some people would like him to, I don't see the problem.

    Also I disagree on music, you may not listen to it but plenty of people do, and it's pretty much a standard in non-commentated Halo vids (although it does annoy the hell out of me on uncut, full gameplays). Sure a bad choice of music can put people off, but that's true with anything, and said choice is up to the creator so on their head be it.
  6. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Yeah, I suppose it is up the creator but unless grif is going to editing all the videos (which from a single 3 minute clip is going to be far from easy) the videos will pretty much be uncut gameplay or flythroughs
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I agree that 3 minutes of gameplay isn't much if any editing is going to be done. I'm generally up for helping with capturing if that helps (I'm guessing that 3 minutes is your limit since you'll be using BPro renders?), quality will be HD.
  8. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
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    wow did you really observe that much **** in my video. For once dude just who cares if i add credits or not. just ****ing deal with it. And i dont care how simply movie maker is. i was being nice and **** for those who want a map video. and you 2 get all critical about how I SHOULD MAKE MY GOD DAMN VIDEOS!.
    A skittle production is my made up media company. i dont if it sounds gay.get a life.

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