i need a person to do a decent photoshop (or gimp) image change this image http://condemnedtorocknroll.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/kate-bush-ivy.jpg into an image that looks like http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1144/1436872064_fb10f89bbf.jpg?v=0 i need it for an art exam and can you give a brief( long if possibile) explination of how you did it if you woudnt mind
I wouldn't. She's white, black eyeshadow and black pupils. Inverted looks wrong. Also if you use Cutout or Stylize -> Diffuse -> Anistropic you can smoothen out most of the edges and create a simpler image. That is if you plan to use it practically. You can do this before or after the threshold if you find parts are disappearing (lips and nose for example), and you can also fiddle with brightness and contrast so that when you use threshold, photoshop knows which bits to put black or white (whichever the original colour is closer to).
the contrast thing works better, but i need more detail with all the ivy in the back ground also im planning on using it at opacity 30% it going to be the back ground
Thanks for the tips. They are actually really useful. Heres a smoother version and i rendered it into a 3D object for lulz