Okay, so I'm working on a map. I've built the center sturcture, both bases, and I want it to be symmetrical. However, my forging skill are terrible at best, and I need someone who can fill out my map with good gameplay-based scenery. The scenery needs to be forerunner-esqe. Don't worry, there is plenty of budget left. I'm not asking you to do ALL the scenery, just some big things to work with for map layout (I would link a large tower for my nuetral sniper.) I can take it after I've got a couple of these to run with. Message me if your interested. GT: Atik L Yar
If you've seen the preview for my valhalla/relic combo then you'll know I can do forerunner... Ill try this, as an approximation how much scenery things need to be done? (Like the sniper tower thing and however many other things.)
Well, I would like the Sniper tower, whether it be a big gameplay-effecter isn't a concern of mine. But, on the other side of the map, I would ething like a tunnel system, or large tower, or something along those lines. With this structure/series of structures I'm hoping for a high-traffic area that can fully suppoert foot travelers, and may or may bnot force you out of your vehicle.