Now I know I sound like a complete noob posting this but it is true. I dont have any expectations but I really need a co-forger. I can ghost merge, geo merge, the works. i just really need someone to forge with. Just put submit your GT if your interested.
Try showing us some of your work. I've evolved quite a bit since I started forging, and I'd love to co-forge, but not unless the other forger is the same/better compared to myself.
Ive got nothing to do, I know im a rookie but thats just because I don't bother posting my maps. I would gladly help (Yes I can Ghost merge, Geomerge ect.) If I seem too much like a noob and you don't want my help.. Kay.. [=
At least you're being modest about it, I'm tired of those threads saying things like "Okay guys, I need the best forgers out there, and only the best, you need to understand everything, and I'm gonna **** **** ****.." yeah.... It's nice to see someone that's simple, and just because of that, I'll be willing to help you if I have the time to do so. GT matches my alias here.
OK i got lots of requests good. And any of my good work is in my tag, so check that out. Right now im working on a ghost town map where i try to recreate what it looked like before it became a ghost town. And i got a semi started sandbox mid level map. I'll be on today so ill add u all
I would gladly offer my services. GT: HaloIlove. (Try to get on Saturday. And I'm a kid- but I know everything.)
Ok I've added most of you, not all, but I'll will probably end up adding all of you. Id be great if we got a party of 4 or something working on a map. And im done adding people add me if you want to, its easier that way.