Necrubis- City of the Dead

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Mander, May 23, 2009.

  1. MlgObiWan

    MlgObiWan Ancient
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    Wow, Shroomz, you are a huge jerk. Stop trolling this thread with your massive posts. Just because you have no life and are digging up game stats does not support your opinion. I was THERE too, and most people liked the map!

    And the fact that Mander took your criticism seriously and tweaked the map is hugely respectful and yet you still spit in his face. You tell him to forge like it's Sandbox not foundry and yet your own maps are crap! You could never hope to build something nearly as good as this and that's why you're being a troll. Seriously, grow up. Stop whining about the gametype not being insta kill- I was actually hearing complaints that the zombies were too easy to kill.

    We get it- this map isn't your style. Now bugger off and go back to having no life.


    If I ever need a map to be playtested I'll be sure to never ever invite someone like you- you should be honoured to have playtested a map as godly as this and yet you decide to spend your time being a pessimist.

    And if you had it your way then the power weapons would be in different buildings right?

    And then that'd mean that people could camp in those buildings for a long time since the ammo respawns in there right?

    And in Mander's version they can't do that because once they run out of ammo, they have to go on an ammo run right?

    That means that Manders version is WAY more balanced then yours would be.

    Now go make your own version of how you'd like a city map to be and then see how the community tears it apart, before posting another one of your whiny, long, stat-filled posts.

    a note to everybody reading this: Ignore Shroomz and play this map yourself, and make your own decision. The vast majority of the people who played this map enjoyed it and were asking to play it again. That is a FACT- I heard it with my own ears.

    Now go ahead and post your negative reply Shroomz- I welcome it :)
  2. OMGItzOrion

    OMGItzOrion Ancient
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    Wow, flame wars much?

    People- ignore Shroomz- he's just posting to get attention. Obviously people have figured out that this map is great without his comments.

    MlgObiWan- cool your jets man, it's not even your map. There are always going to be haters, why make such a big deal out of it? If you like the map that's fine- you don' need to type a storm over someone who disagrees with you.

    Anyways, I downloaded the map and just got back from playing it. While I'm not a huge fan of citymaps, I have to say that this is the best one I've seen so far. The gametype works out really well with smaller parties but as Shroomz pointed out it may not be the best for large parties.

    After playing it and forging through it I have to say that you have great attention to detail and I found the gameplay very balanced. I look forward to seeing more from you Mander.
  3. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Wow... must've got your panties in a bunch.
    1.) Chances are... I'm older than you. So you should grow up.
    2.) Most people liked his map based on what? You played the game numerous times? I guess you = most people. Nice logic.
    3.) My comment was about city maps in general... nothing specific about his map.
    4.) If you can't take criticism for a friend's map, I hope you never post a map. I don't blow smoke up people's asses. I'll be sure to get you some chap stick and plenty of vaseline, though. You'll need it for all that puckering you do.
    5.) My maps are not forged to win a beauty pageant. They're usually unique, original, and provide a different type of game play. I don't care for instant kill zombies if you check my games. My games involve more fighting than anything.
    6.) If you were fat, how many of your friends would tell you that to your face? I personally would rather hear what people say behind my back than to my face. That would give me a more accurate opinion. I, at least, tell things the way I see it. I'm, at least, honest.
    7.) I love how you post your opinions, but state nothing to back yourself up. It's fair because I say so... good argument. You'll go far in life.
    8.) Ammo runs could be fixed by extending the respawn times of weapons, dumbass. Think before you post. You obviously know nothing about games other than pointing and shooting.
    9.) You obviously suffer from selective reading as well. Whatever helps you get through your day, I guess.
    10.) If you can't stand others posting their opinion, then you shouldn't read a forum. Hell... go deaf and blind, as well. That way you can go on thinking the world is perfect the way you see it in your mind.
    11.) If anyone is trolling, it's you. You created an account to try to flame me. I gave an honest opinion about a map/gametype supported by stats. You must be as obsessed about trying to flame me as you are about this map.

    Why don't you go and cry to mommy and daddy and ask for your allowance now.

    I'm strictly an infection player. So I try to help out by posting my honest opinion on infection maps. Don't pretend to know me or my agenda. I really could care less about attention... especially from people on a forum ( well maybe if it was a forum of porn stars and strippers, but that's not the case here ).

    This is one honest review that I'd take notice of... and it looks like I'm not the only one that's not a big fan of city maps. Different reasons, but same generalization.
    #23 MaxSterling, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  4. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    It looks like a lot of work was put into it, and the simple fact that it doesn't have an invincible camping spot is a major plus. I'll be DLing it once I get my 360 back. =)

    But, as someone else said earlier, you may want to use spare funds to 'pretty up' some of the scenery, if any of it need to be cleaned.
  5. Jamdo64

    Jamdo64 Ancient
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    I like this map
    you got my download
  6. notanoobforger

    notanoobforger Ancient
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    Wow, you managed to build a beast of a map like this and still keep it under the object limit to avoid lag issues?

    You sir, know how to budget. Congrats on the map, it looks like the sickest map EVER. I'll have to dl and try it out but if it plays as half as good as it looks then you should definately get a feature. Nice job on preparing it for all gametypes too.
    I also like the backstory you gave to the map.

    I'll rate after I play it, which I definatley will.
  7. OMGItzOrion

    OMGItzOrion Ancient
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    R U SERIOUS? This map has a massive mall, a five story tower, and a TON of other interesting buildings. He's forged Sandbox to it's full potential- how can you even say something like that? There's no way this'd be possible on foundry.
  8. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    You're an idiot. Read that again. I was saying that people build 2-3 story buildings on Sandbox when they could be building 8 story buidings. That comment wasn't about this map, it was about most city maps that people build on Sandbox.
  9. o0SuperSamuri0o

    o0SuperSamuri0o Ancient
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    So I checked the map out and download the final version and here's what I have to say.


    Seriously this map has amazingly balanced gameplay, splendid scenery, and great forging and ideas. You did a really great job playtesting this map and it is just so fun to hide in buildings while zombies prowl the streets outside, trying to sniff you out. Then you run out of ammo and have to go on a desparate run down the street for more. Too much fun... I've got to try some other gametypes on it, but it definatley stays on my harddrive.

    The only thing that I don't get is:....

    Why isn't this thread 5 stars?

    Haha, good job, and keep forging.
  10. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    i hae to say this post doesnt do the map enough justice. this is one of the best infections ive played in a while.

    i love how 1 of the buildings closes from the bottom after time, and the layout is amazing.

    only bad part is, you can easily camp on the top of the tower.


    nominating for feature.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Now earlier today, my party and I played this game to check it out. Now the result of us checking it out was the most awesome choice we ever made. Your incredible ideas and flawless designs stunned me. But most importantly you have the game-play at an outstanding rate. From these pictures the map dose not look all that big, nor interesting, but of course when u see it in person, it absolutely stunned me beyond my mind. The zombies have a fair shield resistance while along being the same for the humans. To be honest, I like team work games, and this game had more than enough team work involved than i wanted my self. The last time i was shocked about a map was the map affliction, so u know u sure got a really nice map made by you! The buildings for the humans to use to set up shop was in-fact fun. Usually sitting in an empty building is no day at the theme park for me, But your flow of the map had me going in a hyper fit. you put good hiding spots that are not to hidden but have so many so that it is not too easy for the zombies to looking for you. When we first spawned, we noticed we needed, guns. at first we did not know where to get them, so we started searching only to find a gun shop that was neatly made with enough guns for everyone to have, but not spam like a 8 year old nub who only dreams of ww2 happening all over again. the layout of each and every building was very interesting and complex with its own unique style, so for all of us playing, choosing was hard LOL! In all game play is a 5/5 Map is a 5/5 and you earn a new fan of this map :D
  12. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Thanks man, I'm thrilled you guys enjoyed it so much. I really did give my best effort to balance the gameplay and comments like yours are a very satisfying reward for the work.
  13. notanoobforger

    notanoobforger Ancient
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    I downloaded this map awhile ago and I'm telling you now that it's earned itself a permanent slot on my harddrive. It is way too much fun! I played it yesterday for over four hours with a group of friends and we had a blast trying to survive in a different building each round. Every building was fun to stay at and none of them were cheap. I also love how realistic the ammo run is- it makes it feel like it's a true zombie apocalypse. If there was there wouldn't be weapons just randomly placed everywhere- they'd all be at the weapons shop and you'd have to go on daring runs to get ammo- so this map does a great job of capturing the epicness of zombies. Which is why I also wanted to say that your recreations of the movie buildings are very wel done. I love the scaffolding barricade at the bottom of the tower that represents the shopping carts from 28 Days later and I love exploring the different stores in the mall and checking out the food court while the zombies bang away on the front windows. Seriously- you got so much about this map right, the look, feel, and gameplay of the map is nothing short of perfection. You did a great job with th gametype too because games were always close, usually ending with a desperate man-hunt for the last man. So, as you can already tell, you have earned a true fan of the map. I will recommend it to all my friends. I don't know why this thread is only rated four stars- that's a crime. This map needs to be FEATURED.

    People only need to play it and then they'll see what a treasure this truly is.
    10/10 from me.
  14. Triple96

    Triple96 Ancient
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    This map looks great! Definite dl from me!

    However, I played it and I have some things u might wanna look over:
    1. One hole into mall? That can easily be camped and guarded with shotty or somekind of strong weapon.
    2. the mall has alot of corners that can also lead to camping.
    3. I found a way out of the zombie spawn b4 you get released, Hard to expain tho
    4.Lastly, I s there only one way out of the mall after it gets boarded up (The hole in the roof)?
    I suggest you make a second version, put more openings in mall's roof, possibly fix the zombie spawn, and maybe make the map more interesting (more floors in buildings, etc...)

    Other than those problems, It's a great map!!!1
  15. A mutant hobo

    A mutant hobo Ancient
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    Amazing Map!! 4/5 from what i can see but im still d/l ing it. Its kind of a cross between 'The City' by Somethingg and one of my maps (not on FH) where 2 bases spawn in the middle of battle. Sweet map can't wait to play it!!!
  16. Matt666

    Matt666 Ancient
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    I like the changes you did to the final version- the gameplay is really smooth and fair for both sides. Overall this is the best city map I have seen, and possibly the best infection map I have played. I love the idea of the ammo runs, and this map realy has an urban feel to it.

    Whats right:
    -I love the boarded up windows to the mall, they look cool and create great gameplay
    -The city is huge- as others of mentioned the pictures don't capture the size and epicness of this map and that's saying something seeing as you have 20 pictures!
    - Each building is unique and interesting- you really pay attention to detail
    -The gameplay is great. It's fair for both sides and requires players to work together as a team- both as zombies and humans

    - There could be less ammo in the weapons shop as the first person there usually gets a full BR.
    - Maybe there should be a filter on? It would make the city look creepier.
    -That's all I could think of.

    Overall this is an amazing map and well worth the download. I noticed the geomerging you did, and it's really nice to see that you put in that extra effort when it wasn't necessary.
  17. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    This is easily THE best town styled infection map I've ever seen, Sandbox and not. It's also one of the maps that actually captivates my parties and makes them want to play again.

    -Extremely varied buildings. Unlike some maps *coughtownshipcough* where every building is similar, each building is unique and has its own play style and visual style.
    -I <3 Secrets! I like all the random secret passages and quirks that you put in. Especially when my party doesn't know about it.
    -It's fun. Honestly a game like Manifest gets old after a while, but with over 10 buildings which are all very unique, there's pretty much infinite possibilities of how each game plays out.
    -Multiple ways into each building. Except for a few buildings (such as the one that get's boarded up), there are multiple paths to get into each building. While challenging for the humans, it definitely makes the game more fun as zombies.
    -There's no filters. Thank god for that.

    -Gametype SUCKS. Seriously headshot zombies=no fun. The regular infection gametype works much better.
    -I know you elaborate on how it's not easy to defend and you won't camp there and junk but wtfbbq? have you not learned that weapon caches don't work?
    -The building where the windows get boarded up, there's only one entrance into that place. Camping ftl.
    -It's way to easy to get onto the roof of the buildings.
    -The streets are too empty. I enjoy infection maps where I don't have to be stuck in a building, but it's just so boring when there's literally nothing there. Add scenery and different structures.

    Get rid of the weapon cache and put weapons in strategic places around the map.
    Maybe only board up the two side windows of that one building and leave the middle doorway not boarded up.
    Try to prevent the humans from getting to the roofs until later in the game. I felt that half of the humans would just go on top of one roof and headshot zombies while they tried to get on top of the roof.
    Add more variety. Make the warthog spawn earlier so it's funny time. Make it fun, a map like this doesn't need to be completely balanced and competitive.

    Overall rating: 8.5/10

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    I play tested this map and had lots of fun on it; the bases are both aesthetically and functionally pleasing. I love how you had to make a life or death Decisions, do you shoot it out with the infected , or make ammo runs to the weapons shop to better protect yourself .Your hard work on Interlocking and Geomerging has paid off. Definitely one of the better infection maps I have seen on sandbox,great job mander 5/5!
  19. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Thanks Yee Man. As I recall, you had a fun time BRing the zombies and ended up getting an invincible metal before one finally managed to assassinate you. You're pretty good at surviving zombie apocalypses, I'll give you that.
  20. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    you stole my gametype name no im kidding but im working on a map pack called the pnademic map pack.

    Anyway onto the map. I would have to say this is the neatest and best looking city map i have seen i dont know how it plays but it looks like it would play kinda like "the city" and "Township*" By Something. Anyway the map looks really good from the pics a sure dl from me 5/5 great work!

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