Sandbox Necropolis

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Cryptoparasite, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. Cryptoparasite

    Cryptoparasite Ancient

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    Ok, this is my first map to present to you guys; hope you enjoy


    In a barren desert on a seeminly lifeless world lies the ruins of a grand cemetery. Not much is known about those who built this necropolis; nor about the souls who reside there.

    Download link Below: : Halo 3 File Details

    This map is something Ive been working on for some time know. When I first saw Sandbox, I thought it would be awesome if it were possible to make a map that could make full use of Sandbox's three dimesions. And thats what Necropolis does.

    Necropolis is an assymmetrical map. Its intention was to ensure that no one strategy (i.e., camping, sniping, melee, etc) would be enough to conquer it. This means teamwork would be essential for team-based games.

    Lets start with the ground-level; or the Graveyard.


    The Graveyard consists of two main buildings; the Masoleum, (Center), and the Chapel, (top).

    As you can see, the graveyard is packed with small, randomly dispersed headstones that provide excellent cover, but also impede line-of-sight; making long-range shots tricker to pull off.



    In the center of the masoleum is the shaft that leads down to the lower level, Catacombs. The masoleum itself is accessible only through the front door and is protected by a shield door. It makes an ideal place to hold out, but has limited weaponry inside.

    On opposite ends, there are two teleporters nestled between two obelisk. These lead to the upper level, two sniper towers. Another teleporter behind the Masoleum leads to the Catacombs. Two one-way nodes lead up from the Catacombs




    The Chapel is basically a small room, accessible from only one point. There is a bubble shield, energy sword and other weapons to mount a suitable defense. The teleporter leads to the Catacombs.



    The Catacombs level is designed to look like an ancient tomb. At one end (right) is the tomb of an unknown, honored hero. It is also where most of the weapons are placed. There is an energy sword, Spartan laser, shotguns and assault rifles scattered all over.

    The teleporters take you to all parts of the Graveyard level. The teleporter to left of the coffin leads to the Graveyard, the one to the right leads to the Chapel. The teleporter on the left side of the Catacombs leads to the teleporter behind the Masoleum while the right side leads to the Graveyard.

    Honoring the Dead


    Sniper towers.

    And now for the third level. The heavens!


    The upper level is composed of two small towers; one on either side of the map. They are accessible only through the obelisk-guarded teleporters on the Graveyard level. Each tower has a sniper rifle, spartan laser and rocket launcher and offer excellent vantage points of the battlefield, however the cover below does offer protection. Also, the incredible distance makes head-shots extremely difficult. Also, the platforms are rather small; not ideal for unexpected visitors!


    Death from Above!


    This map would be ideal for large-scale Team based games. The multi-level arena would add an extra challenge to CTF and such games.

    In closing, this map was my first serious undertaking using Forge. It has taken me nearly a week, comprising of numerous do-overs, renaming and tweaking. I know it may not be perfect, but I think its a step in the right direction.

    Anyway, Id really love to know what you guys think!
  2. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    There is soooo much open space that I don't know if this can work. Was this map tested at all because with a block every here and there won't provide enough protection to have some intense battles. At the top you'll just snipe people off in the main level and the crypt looks too open too. Make a v2 and cover more space, but I know its hard to make a map with 3 levels.
  3. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    I see some lumpy-looking forging, you might want to clean that up, not to improve gameplay, but to increase the aesthetic quality of your map. It does look somewhat open, too, and I could picture in the sky bubble someone camping behind the teleporter. You also might want to remove a few power weapons. Energy sword, bubble shield, grav lift, and shotgun in the same room? Does not work.
  4. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    Sorry but I must agree with this. This map promotes camping way to much. How would go out in the graveyard which is far to open when they can just sit inside the chapel with a sword, shotgun, and bubble shield along with more weapons in a room with only one entrance!?
    Also You should check out the Forge 101 section it has lots of helpful guides that can teach you everything from basic interlocking to effective weapon placement too advanced spawning and ghost merging. All of which will improve your map.
    It was a good attempt but I don't think it is possible to make a good competitive map using all 3 layers of sandbox.

    Also good work on setting up your post correctly. Most new members fail to properly embed their pictures on their first try
  5. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    At first I thought this was an Infection map, and even then, it looked too one-sided. If this is actually a competitive map, you need to establish two base-type things, spread out your weaponry, and add way more variety in cover and weapons. And the sniper towers, wow, you need to fix that, big time. No one can defend themselves from the snipers, and the snipers can easily block the teleporter or camp it.

    I know it took you a week, but please correct this.
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I know this is original but there are a few good reasons people have not already made millions of these. To begin with there is the OLN so after you have spread objects throughout each part, there is not sufficent cover in a single part. In addition, the different parts require teleporters between which encite camping and make transition between the three sections difficult and only available at a few points. Furthermore, for the same reason as the objects, there are simply not enough players to use all parts of sandbox since they are so seperated. Your floors are uneven, all your weapons are placed in rooms, and the open spaces of your map have entire sight planes instead of a few lines across the map. The sniper towers should also be placed somewhere else so the players on the ground floor actually can take cover in some of the sparse blocks you laid out. You should really stick to two levels on sandbox and only using the second level for a small part of the map as you have done with the sniper towers.
  7. Slodogk

    Slodogk Ancient

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    this was really well made, but like others have said, as a competitive map, there would be one side who always has the upperhand. other than that, AMAZING!!!
  8. simonstwin

    simonstwin Ancient
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    Hm... try to improve the stud-looking stuff.

    Around the centerpiece there's a lot of boring forging. The short columns don't help.... you should maybe put in some more buildings or structure.
  9. Cryptoparasite

    Cryptoparasite Ancient

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    Ok, Ive had a couple of days to think over the map. Ive taken several suggestions onboard and Ive realized that alot of my ideas were a bit too far-fetched to work. As such, Ive decided to undergo a massive redesign on this map.

    Hopefully Ill be able to post updated pics soon.
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    For some reason I get the feeling this is a proxy accont
    You have one post which is spam with a hint of necrobumbing
    You have obviously not read the rules so please review those before posting again.
    I will report you and ask the moderators to check you out for proxying
  11. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    I still don't get it why janky maps get some of the most replies... XD

    It's not thought out at all and looks too open.
  12. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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  13. deathdealer

    deathdealer Ancient

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    Well, I'm not one for knocking peoples confidence especially since its his first map you could be a little bit more easy with comments instead shooting it down in flames and actually be constructive with your criticism instead.

    I have still to post my map.
  14. Cryptoparasite

    Cryptoparasite Ancient

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    Ok, first of all, this is NOT a proxy account. If it were, why would i post such an ill-regarded map.

    Second, how can one post be regarded as spam? If i have broken the rules in any such way, I would appreciate it very much if you would make it clear exactly which incidents were transgressions.

    Third, Ive been absent due to real-life obligations as well as a major bout with illness so I have not been able to update as much as I would have liked nor have I been able to post the changes to the map.

    That being said, I have, as previously stated, made several significant changes to the map; the most noticable is making the map a competitive map, with two bases and operating in only one platform.

    The geometery of the map is all but finished and i am currently in the process of editing the gametypes and placing weapons and equipment. Hopefully, I will be able to post updated pictures soon.
  15. iDoL

    iDoL Ancient

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    You have a good imagination for a map, I can tell, just work on your forging skills.
  16. crispychicken49

    crispychicken49 Ancient
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    Have you edited this at all? Please take some time to, Shotgun and Sword, really? Also merge the floor, its all bumpy.
  17. deathdealer

    deathdealer Ancient

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    As he clearly stated above he was going to update us with pictures when he gets the time.
  18. used man

    used man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, Most of the replys here really don't seem very helpful. Crypto, send me a friend request on xbl, I am interested in what you were going for here, and I would love to help you achieve it. my gamertag is: used man
  19. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Hmm I kind of like the idea but you could have tidied it up aesthetically. Also I don't really like maps that use the main ground, the sky bubble and the crypt.
  20. mrsassin

    mrsassin Ancient
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    You might want to block off the outskirts of the mid-level and the crypt and interlock a bit more.

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