Necro-post Infraction Qustion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by xXxI4 shotIxXx, Feb 14, 2009.

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  1. xXxI4 shotIxXx

    xXxI4 shotIxXx Ancient
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    I recieved a infraction, though it seems minor I dont wish to get in trouble on FH.I am not capable of avoiding the problem if I dont know what it is.'Necro-Posting' Will some one break it down for me?I have read about it in the rules but didnt understand.Thank You.
  2. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    First of all you should know that questions like this should be in customor service and not forge discussion. The fact that you got an infraction for necro posting as a traniee is very minor. However the result of necro posting creates clutter in our map forums. I am going to give you a very straight foreward definition. If you still can't understand contact me or a staff member.

    Necroposting/Necrobumping, A Closer Look

    What is necroposting? Reviving a thread, that of which has been long-deceased. Though, this can be misconstrued, as for maps in the map section, posting approximately 3 weeks after the most recent post, would earn you an infraction; whilst in the general chat/video/debate forums, you've got a variable amount of time to work with. Refraining from necro posting will save you lots of needless trouble. Here is a quick list of what could be considered necro bumping, in each of our forums:
    Halo Forge Maps Forums:
    Approximately 3 weeks.​
    Featured Halo Maps:
    Post whenever, as they don't bump the map to the top of the list.
    Approximately 4 weeks. As once an announcement has been discussed as much as it can, there is no reason to post in it, bumping it to the top of the Announcements Forums.
    Halo Forge Discussion:
    Approximately 4 weeks. As once a forge discussion has taken place, there is no reason for it to continue, there are places such as "The Forge Tutorial Master Index" which will provide all the facts of forge for you.
    Halo Screenshots:
    Approximately 3 weeks. A picture is worth a thousand words. With that in mind, just keep the thread open for people enjoy the spectacular screen that it is. Yet, leave it at that, as new pictures come out ever day.
    Customer Service:
    If an answer is unresolved, which is quite rare, then by all means, revive the thread for further discussion/explanation, though, if the question has been answered clearly in the thread, don't post in it.​
    General Chat:
    This varies from thread to thread. If, say, a thread were to be on "The next president, Who's it going to be?" and the thread dies down for about a month, then is revived saying something like "Well, I told you so." Then you will easily have earned yourself an infraction. Though, if it is a discussion on something that is on-going; and can further be discussed; and/or would be better to revive the thread, then start a new one, by all means, revive the thread...Just bear in mind, you could be reprimanded by other members for necroposting.
    This also varies from thread to thread. Say someone posted a rick roll. By necroposting in that video thread, you would earn yourself an infraction. As it is a redundant video. Now, you may be asking "What is considered redundant?" This should be easy for each of you to pick out. Something like a video on machinima making/forge guides though, would be more then acceptable to necrobump 6 weeks later, as long as your post is not of spam.
    Graphics & Arts:
    Approximately 3 weeks. As time passes on, even the creator of works (after having improved) doesn't even want the thread to be bumped. Some people may be proud, but for the most part, they would get upset that someone revived an old photoshop/gimp picture.
    Off Topic:
    Even though it is off topic, doesn't mean you can't get in trouble for necroposting. Try to think it through before posting in it. Is it a true offtopic thread (Meaning it has nothing to do with anything related to the site)? Then don't post in it.
    Slightly more lenience is provided here, as the debates in there are intended to be an on-going discussion. Eventually, one will slide off the first page, and people may forget, so, for someone to bring up a good/valid point, would make for much more interesting discussion. Bear in mind, that doesn't excuse necrobumping for something that is considered spam, or to a level almost of.
    2 weeks. Eventually, each and every one of us, becomes more then what we were. We grow up, even if already "grown up." So to bring up an old thread of "Ohaither. I'm so n so, nice to meet all of you." Is not acceptable.
    All in all, necrobumping is relatively variable. Though, if you feel that it is almost necro-bumping, then you better make a good post, it will make you less susceptible to infractions/reprimand from the community. Just think it through prior to hitting the "Submit Reply" button.
  3. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Well, you could read the rules /end criticism
    Here you go, the Link to The Rules

    Basically, don't post on a map, thread etc after a certain amount of time if no posts have been posted(<-- lul, confusing). Just read up on the rules, shock wrote it up alot better than I did, or if that was Linu
  4. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    It basically means reviving or posting in a thread that has not been posted on by someone else in a long time.

    Read the Necro Post part of the rules to see how many weeks is the limit for each sub-forum. Hope you understand now.

    *If user is satisfied, please LOCK*
  5. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    It's basically when you find an old thread, or an old topic, if you know it as that, and post there, making the topic go to the top of the list, even if its discussion has been long over.

    A good date to not post in a thread would be about 3 weeks, but as forgegod posted, there are some exceptions. The name necropost or necrobump comes from necro meaning dead. Basically you would be posting on a thread that has theoretically "died"

    If you have any more questions please feel free to ask me, through a pm or a visitor message.
  6. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Question answered. :lock:
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