
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jex Yoyo, Jun 2, 2010.

  1. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    (Conquest) Necra

    By jex yoyo​

    Sorry that i didnt get any more pictures up. I think that the map is coming along very nicely, but soon there will be some major changes to it because i decided that my design is much too conservative, and something big came up. So, the bases will no longer be the real starting places, and now the middle will be much more original, because it will be more open and will have much more unique exits that one would expect from a typical conquest map. Also, the new spawn locations will be a beautiful system that involves grav lifts, teleporters, and one other thing that isnt very common in any gametype. Also, this map will be kept a lot more quiet now. Im still open to all suggestions, but its gonna be a lot more quiet now. Im requesting a :lock: on this thread, because im not going to respond to it anymore since i dont plan keeping this public anymore. If you wanna contact me about this map there is still private messeges and stuff.

    This is a little map layout that ive been working on for about a week now. Originally it was to be designed as a massive competative map with an L shaped basement and an alternate L shaped ceiling, and a middle floor filling it in to look like a box. It was going to have bases with a total of four floors each. However, about a third of the way through the first design process, it began to take a new form, and eventually diverged a second head, much like a hyrda. These two maps split apart and became almost twins, earily similiar but not quiet the same. This second head, or brother of the first map, became something of its own, something born of a will and want that ways had but never been able to do anything about. This is the brother of Hydra.
    And this, is Conquest.



    Road (Second Territory)

    Lounge (Third Territory)

    Hub (Middle/Fourth Territory)

    This, as i said, is a conquest map. It is supposed to be crowded because it is based almost entirely on taking the bottom two floors of Hydra and making them into a linear style map. What i have here is just the basics; I have enough left-over objects to create some of the most wonderful aesthetics i have yet imagined. So im open to all thoughts and suggestions, and actually hoping for them. If you have trouble understanding my pictures, or would like a few more just lemme know what area you want to see in more detail and ill add some pics of it for ya and an explanation of the confusing parts of it. Its going to get all my attention this week because i lost my main harddrive, so i could possibly be done with this somewhat soon.​

    Please comment with your thoughts and opinions.​


    Actual in-forge pictures of the progress will be in the following section. Im hoping that the layout will become more clear as you get to see more of it. Once again, any and all advice is accepted; because i want to make it perfect i will consider every option. Please comment!

    -Bottom Floor- This is the backbone and structure that the rest of the map will be based entirely on.​

    -Lounge/Road- This is the connector between the lounge and the road, you can also see the seperator between the two sides as well as the floor of one base.​




    #1 Jex Yoyo, Jun 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2010
  2. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    I like the design but there's something I really hate about wooden bridges as walls. As floors they look fine but as walls they just don't look good.
  3. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Yeah i agree. Originally i was going to have golden walls and no ceiling but i didnt have enough of the golden collumns to make it large enough, and i want the ceiling because it interferes with the height of the jump making it shorter, so jumping is no longer suicide in a BR showdown. I really dont know why i placed the wooden walls there to start with, and i was seriously considering removing the entire room there and replacing it with something much larger and more aesthetically oriented. Ive got a pretty cool weapon holder design from one of my previous maps that never got officially published that i think would go great with this theme, but im having trouble thinking of what the new room is going to look like. Since it is the middle of the map it has to be extremely memorable so im going to spend sometime thinking about this. Im also open to suggestions.
  4. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    Uhh. Wait. I'm confused. So You go from Levels 3 to 2 to 1 to 2 to 1 to 2 to 3? Either way, It looks at least interesting from the pics.
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    @MousseMooseRocks> No, there is really only two floors. so you go down one floor, across, up one floor, down one floor, across, then up and you are done.

    You start in the Base, which is on the second floor. Then you go down ONE set of stairs to the first floor, which is the road. Then you go through a giant golden gate and you are in the lounge, which is also on the first floor. Then you go up a set of stairs and you are in the middle of the map, directly above both lounges. That is the order, so i guess you could say you go from 2-1; 1-1; 1-2 (hub/middle of map) 2-1; 1-1; 1-2, starting in one base and ending in the other. I know thats confusing but it should start becoming more clear.

    I just added four new pictures of my progress, im going to delete the old ones pretty soon to make sure that the post doesnt get too crowded. Im still looking for some ideas on what to do for the middle part though, its really become an issue for me.
    #5 Jex Yoyo, Jun 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2010
  6. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    Oh I get it now! The new pictures really helped. It's cool how each territory gets its own little room to fight in. I hope to see it finished! :)
  7. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Haha yeah that's the point of conquest ;)
    But i don't need complements as much as I need advice guys! I'll have some more pics later today cus I'm almost done with one of the bases, and I want to know what could be fixed.

    Sorry that i didnt get any more pictures up. I think that the map is coming along very nicely, but soon there will be some major changes to it because i decided that my design is much too conservative, and something big came up. So, the bases will no longer be the real starting places, and now the middle will be much more original, because it will be more open and will have much more unique exits that one would expect from a typical conquest map. Also, the new spawn locations will be a beautiful system that involves grav lifts, teleporters, and one other thing that isnt very common in any gametype. Also, this map will be kept a lot more quiet now. Im still open to all suggestions, but its gonna be a lot more quiet now. Im requesting a :lock: on this thread, because im not going to respond to it anymore since i dont plan keeping this public anymore. If you wanna contact me about this map there is still private messeges and stuff.​
    #7 Jex Yoyo, Jun 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2010

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