This montage has the greatest editing I've ever seen. Watch it in HD and Full screen on the direct link for the full experience
that was ridiculous. I really got into it.... easily my favorite was the zanzibar sniping... double kill,killing frenzy,triple kill,overkill, KILLLLLTACCUUUUUULAAAAARRR.... absolutly epic..already on my favorites of youtube stuff.
You should add a link to the Gameroom or Filefront so we can see it in better quality. I have watched it plenty times. Simple techniques were used, but because of a good capture card and a high-spec PC they can be pulled off at high quality. I didn't like the idea of trying to appeal to everyone with the large variety of songs, it made it difficult to find a specific style or mood and actually be engrossed. The Saw soundtrack song was the best fitting. Amazing how high quality can compensate for mediocre clips. Edit: And i'm sure it was a dualtage.
It was pretty good - the quality was amazing, and the editing was too, at parts. But I wasn't a big fan of all the contradicting styles of songs like others have said.
WOW! You weren't kidding. The editing was phenominal. Clips themselves were good but everything has been done in everyone's montage. There weren't any epic OMG WTF moments. Its standout feature was the outstanding editing.
I should not touch this with a 10 ft. stick.... I should just keep away.... But cmon, people are jumping the gun with "the best editing I've ever seen". This kid has the techniques, I'll hand that to him, as well as a very artistic style, but there's just things you don't do, that he did. First (as Matty already pointed out) he used way to many songs. This cut up the flow, and while he continued to use the same editing style throughout, the songs changed, resetting the mood. I think this is why I have trouble truly enjoying this, because every time I would start getting into it, the song would change, and the scene faded to black. It also doesn't help that the songs are completely contrasting of one another. He should have kept 1, maybe 2 songs throughout. Now, he did a great job with some of his transitions, especially the free flowing camera going back to first person view, but there are times where the transition was horrid. Such as 5:18, the ripple effect really, really killed me. In fact, most of the ripple stuff he did killed me, cause it didn't fit. For the slowmotion parts, using the ripple to blend frames was fine, but using it as transitions or just as a method to add excitement to a shot that has no real effect is something? That I frown upon. Someone with the skill that he has should not fall victim to this "laziness". In all honesty, this is great, but not amazing. The main reason for this is the flow gets cut off, choked into submission, shoved in a corner for a few seconds while the song changes. The point is, he builds up great excitement, but the flow just gets up and stops hard in its tracks at times, which really ruins the piece. That aside, he effectively used simple methods to make something truly flashy and beautiful, and at the times where it did flow, it was superb. If he had kept that going throughout, I would have enjoyed it more. See... you say you wont' come near it, and next thing you know you're getting your hands messy in it.... way to go Sweeny, way to go.
The editing was amazing, the quality was beautiful, but the gameplay didn't really have any twists and the music transitions were... lacking. Someone did spent a lot of time on this just to get those neat little effects in though. The editing really impressed me. But like Sweeny said, there were some bad parts that are big editing NO's. Showing some of the theatre timeline, crappy ripple effects, things like that.
Ehh, yeah you guys are right about the editing is just good. But the quality in HD really made it stand out I think and I especially liked the introduction and how it didnt include a Hud at the beginning. It really made me feel as if I was really blowing peoples brains out with a sniper rifle in my hand. Plus even though the music was weird and abundant, I didnt pay much attention to it.
like everyone else, yea, the editing was amazing, right up there with quadtage, but i felt the clips were lacking interesting gameplay, i got board of all the regular sniper kills, adn overkills that were basically teh same, so this one comes below quadtage as the best of the best. another problem i had was the music, which i never ended up liking, but over all a very nice montage
lol spam and a contradiction... I dont think its boring at all, the editing was suerb and it kept me watching the whole time.