Calm down now everyone, if you can't understand what Sweeny is typing then there is no need to respond. If it's annoying don't read it. There are usually easy ways out so things don't have to become arguments.
Thank you, Crank. I appreciate you acting in a civilized manner, and accepting that you were wrong. I'm glad that the members of the Screenshot forum are grown up, unlike those pisswads whod post w/ "Ne3dz MOar Int3rL0xx!!1!!1!11!"...-.-...
The epic campaign shots will always be the best because those effects and backgroudnds can't be reimagined in forge.
ahhhh yes, the art of natural screen shots. not any effects, just using your mind. As you said, it is a lost art. And im glad your bringing it to everyone's attention! I shall be posting some of my natural screen shots. in a little. But again, im glad your bringing this back up! Oh yeh! And the rule of 3rds is one of the most important rules to learn. Your natural shots will look amazing with it =]