I know I posted this in the E3 thread, but it seems important enough to warrant its own thread, plus neither of these were announced at E3. Well, it seems like Microsoft has finally gone the smart route and chose a name that is more easily marketable than Project Natal. Natal will now officially go by and be marketed as "Kinect". Whether that's a better name or not I'm not sure, but I think it was the right move. There were also some games announced, as seen below. Also rumored is an Xbox 360 redesign. These images are from an ad on an Italian gaming website. Here's an article which reveals the translations: Sources:xxxxxx - USATODAY.com News: Xbox 360 Slim video hits net - ComputerAndVideoGames.com
If they're doing this project and revamping the 360 that means no new generation consoles for a while, 'course most of us probably figured that from Reach.
I'm happy with my own Xbox right now. However, I would love if they made this one a lot more quieter.
It's been expected for a while that this generation of consoles is going to last significantly longer than past generations, and that there may only be a couple generations of consoles left. Once technology peaks at an affordable price and everything becomes downloadable, there won't be much room for noticeable improvements for quite some time.
Don't forget, these pictures just recently came up showing what Kinect looks like. Pretty sick if you ask me...
Okay, so this all looks totally badass and stuff but i never was able to download the Project Natal thingy, is it just removing the controller so that you can do it with your hands and stuff? Im confused... Edit: Also wouldnt microsoft get like 10000000000000000000000000000000 times more publicity if they marketed this as a different console, one that stands alongside the xbox 360? They are still gonna sell games for like 10 years, but they are not selling any new consoles cept maybe a few hundred as replacements...
I don't understand why slim models for consoles are so appealing, what's the difference in performance and price between a regular and slim(besides saving a couple inches of space)? As for the new Kinect, I don't know if I'll be picking it up or not. I'll read a few reviews of course, but tbh I'd prefer sitting down with a controller than waving my hands and body wildly. Exercising while playing video games... what is this madness. I believe Sega is also remaking Sonic Air Riders for the Kinect too... >.> (dammit Sega, remake Sonic Adventure 2 Battle already!)
It says -250GB SOLID STATE memory -Wi-fi incorporated in the system (no more stupid accessory) -kinect compatible thats really awesome. That will make the hard drive faster and more reliable and incorporate wi-fi. Sounds awesome to me. Now just for free live....
The only kinect game i saw that i liked was dance central. Kinect's functionality is pretty cool though. I think it will trounce sony's move and it should be a good contender in the family market.
There is a new edition of Inside Xbox on the xbox live dashboard about the new 360. And might I say, I got a boner. The xbox I have now is fine though, so I probably wont be getting the new one.