NASCAR 2010 V2 By: Biackrouge78 and Ulimatewarfight I know the last Nascar 2010 was really bad but that was before I knew how to post. now I know how to post and hope you can give me a second chance. The new nascar 2010 has everything that the previous nascar had execpt this version is updated. I would like to give credit of the Idea to Gone GOOSEN (his map Nascar V1.4) on for coming up with the great idea to create a halo nascar map that inspired me and my friend Biarouge78 to make this map Now time for some pictures link is in the title and Here Have Fun on this wonderful map Download PS There are some problems with the map, We ran out of wall doubles so we used wall singles and we kind of created a hole, but that hole doesn't make a difference.
Looks pretty nice from what I can see. I think I see the hole you are talking about but that doesn't look like a problem. Is it possible to cheat through the pit stop?
The angle of the bank you chose was way too steep and unrealistic. I basically had to stop racing and just end the game. I mean the bank is WAY too steep. Next time make it half as steep. Other than that it was an ok oval. I am happy that it was 12 seconds. Most people that make ovals can't seem to make them over 10 seconds, so I will give you some credit for that. What's the point of having portals on the goal point when you have no man cannons to prevent players from parking on the goal point?? Overall all it was a nice effort but I think you could do much better next time. 2.3/5
I took your suggestion and added a striaght area to it and this is what it looks like Heres the Download link PS I can't upload it to for some reason
Wow, I actually feel bad that you spent so much time to fix the map. I got to hand it to you for going back to the drawing board and trying make the map better. I would still have to say that you might just be better off starting over from scratch. Make it double wide and make the bank not as steep as the first version. Simply editing the old map will probably not rectify the original overdone angle. Now you have one flat section and a really banked single wide section, instead of one cohesive structure. As for the man cannons, why don't you try interlocking them into the actual flooring? This way you won't have to actually see the cannons, and it would probably be smoother. You can still cheat by simply driving back through the pit stop. You could just put some grav lifts in the pit are to allow the cars to only travel in one set direction. Again, the fact that you really tired to make this as good as you could by editing it really shows me that you are determined to make a great oval map. I think that if you plan your idea a bit more next time, that you will really create a competitive oval. Good job and I hope to see you grow and make more maps. Edit: The funny thing is, I recently made an oval speedway. It is called Atomic Raceway. In retrospect, I feel that the angle I chose was a bit too shallow. In other words it could have been a bit steeper. If you pick the angle in between what I did and what you did, you might have the perfect bank for a true Nascar feel.
I have an Update: you're not playing right if you travel into the pit stop when playing ractracks because your score will not count in the game that is all
Not a bad track I can tell it could create good racing. If you said someone gave you the idea to make an oval track I would have to say I have been making oval tracks longer than most people if not everyone. Check out some of mine : Halo 3 File Share