what is naruto like i've played bioshock and loved like the graphics are just insane and the storyline is great! so yeah i would like to try naruto because i've seen a little bit of the show
I own both, Naruto.. sucked. I'm a fan of the anime, but this game just let me down down down. Bioshock ftw.
BIOSHOCK 80% NARUTO 20% /\ bioshock wins naruto loses O well take what you want but i would say bioshock
BioShock is an amazing game that any normal human can appreciate with great certanty. It was probably the funnest thing I have ever beaten, and was more than worth the 60 bucks I payed for it. So, I would definitely suggest BioShock, although Naruto was made by an excellent Ubisoft Studio (Montreal I believe)
bioshock; it just a god of a game, except for the lack of multiplayer. it kept me going on one 'easy' campaign for 15-30 hours, finished medium and im on hard. SAVE THE LITTLE SISTERS
Viva Pinata! Lol. Seriously, though. Bioshock. It's amazing, if you can handle philosophical/political/psychological analysis, dark, dark humor, and lots of blood.