Hey, im not very fond of naruto, mean its ok, but i was looking for sprites and i found some naruto sprites. So, i took gaara, the coolest character in naruto =P and i just made an animation with him and naruto. it took anout an hour, an hour and a half. its easy but time consuming. well, here it is - i hope you like. CnC please
Nice. I don't know alot about animations, but that looks pretty good. You should make the loop smoother though.
This is okay. I love Naruto. Your good at making these, and I would love to know how. How? Anyway, this isn't the best, but very good =]
thanks! well, if you want to know how, ill tell you. first off, ill let you know i use GIMP. Okay, first you get the sprites/pictures you want to use to animate. Then on every layer you have different pictures and have them in different spots but only slightly until you have it how you want it. then, you save the image file as .gif and set to "Animation" and then upload to photobucket, or some other place like that. Ill try to make a tutorial for everyone. Yes its confusing, ill make a picture tutorial
Nemhira, just to let you know, i dont really like naruto it was just easy to makei had a lot of sprites And thanks cpwnage