
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by NaStY, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. NaStY

    NaStY Ancient
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    Finally I release a map! Narcosis is a totally competitive, asymmetrical, highly tuned map designed for TS and Ball. As everyone says, this is not "some thrown together map." As my roommate would attest, I've spent a rather ridiculous amount of time intertwining and adjusting everything this map, not to mention imagining and sketching its many elements in the first place. I'm currently working on player and objective spawns for CTF play which will likely follow in an update.

    In short, Narcosis is the first really well designed map that actually features interesting geometry that interacts with itself. Unlike most bland, 4 way symmetrical arena maps, Narcosis isn't a cluster-blam!- spawning nightmare devoid of map movement or power-ups. Nor is it a standoff map designed for Lockout style sit-back-and-watch-one-doorway play.

    I designed Narcosis as a painstaking tribute the Halo 1 maps that were both asymmetrical and amazing. On it, you'll find:

    -1 Rocket Launcher (Drop spawn 60 sec, 0 extra clips)
    -1 Camo (1 min)
    -1 OS (1 min)
    -1 Sniper (Dropspawn 90 sec, 1 extra clip)
    -1 Mauler (90 sec, 0 extra clips, 1 max)
    and assorted Carbines

    Leaving the map should not be a problem as long as you're not trying to do it in a custom game by yourself. In the future I'm considering budget glitching this map slightly to provide better safeguards against partner boosts and a few assorted grenade jumps.

    Finally, and this is the big one:

    I NEED PLAYTESTING FOR THIS MAP. It is absolutely tested and guaranteed competitive, flowing and fun. However, problems always arise and I want this map to be as good as it can possibly be (perhaps even on the MLG circuit). For that to happen, it needs truly rigorous playtesting, the kind that can only come from a horde of rabid forumgoers like yourselves.

    Download the map, enjoy it, send me an FR @ ii s3m ii.

    And now, of course, the download link:

    and the screenshots:
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
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    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Very good looking made map. I'll give you a high appraisal. Consider it downloaded.
    Edit: Link to the post though. I'm willing to DL it from the File Share, but fix the link.
  3. NaStY

    NaStY Ancient
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    Thanks a lot man, I hope you enjoy it. I built it with utility in mind. :squirrel_giggle:
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Ill DL just because you put effort into this post, and that goes a long way here.
  5. NaStY

    NaStY Ancient
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    Yeah those pictures can take a long freaking time to upload, copy and paste, etc.

    Thanks for the download.
  6. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    I cant really tell anything about the map from the pictures.... try zooming out as much as you can... looks good though you might have my DL
  7. sendernode

    sendernode Ancient
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    I like this one a lot. It's one of the more intricate maps I've seen and I like that you went against the competitive grain and went assym and relatively closed. I like the way the rooms join together and how you've balanced the map. It looks like 2v2 would be awesome with lots of opportunity for movement. I'd like to see how it plays with 4's - it looks like it might be a bit tight.

    You can grab the sniper without actually being on the ledge - not sure if it was intentional.
  8. NaStY

    NaStY Ancient
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    Yeah, that was one of the few dissapointments in the geometry that I had. I had originally intended it to not be possible to get up to that sniper ledge without performing a nifty slide jump. Alas, you can just jump up there anyway, so grabbing the sniper from below doesn't really affect it too much. Ironically though, the sniper side of the map would actually end up being too much of a stronghold if it weren't easy to jump up to sniper, so I suppose it works out in the end.

    Yeah, 4v4 can get a little tight if you're just playing with randoms. As soon as you play with good people, though, you tend to slow it down and move across the map more thoughtfully. When played correctly, there's a lot of times where you get this great feeling that the team is fighting their way out of their spawn. It sounds bad, like a spawn trap, but really it's a core piece of gameplay. Every time a team all spawns at rockets and the other team is watching "the bend" (where the double boxes make a curve), there's always an epic battle as the spawning team is using rockets and the teleport to escape, or even grenade jumping to the platform above.
  9. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I have it queried. It looks good. What were you planning as far as the play testing goes?
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Dope map homie... dope map. Im a sucker for solid Assym. maps, and this won me over immediately. well done.
  11. NaStY

    NaStY Ancient
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    Update on playtesting:

    Killa KC, who has played an integral part in creating and balancing MLG's H3 settings and maps insofar, had this to say about Narcosis:

    "Great map. Playing this map 2v2 reminded me a lot of playing Halo 1. A map like this is extremely hard to create and balance, and I think you did an amazing job with it. I recommend this download 100%."

    Also, I'm rather new to these here parts - is there a special process you go through to have your map considered for a "featured map?"
  12. Colonel Chewy

    Colonel Chewy Ancient
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    Wow, this map looks really amazing. Your style of interlocking reminds me of the famous remake of Warlock. This is an A++. It is unfortunate that I am unable to download it. sigh... OMG I want this map.

    Don't steal my cheese. :squirrel_rubberduck:
  13. NaStY

    NaStY Ancient
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    170 Downloads and counting...good stuff. I really encourage anyone who has not already downloaded it to try this map out. A more enjoyable, balanced competitive experience is hard to come by.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    any action shots?
  15. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    it looks like a really good map but couldnt you have taken the pictures with the roaming camara so we diddnt have the moniter bits covering up the pictures?
  16. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Forgethrough: The layout looks very good, and the interlocking is great. I saw how deep you merged those stairs into the floor. I'm impressed.

    I did notice the influence Halo 1 had on this map in a couple of places. First, the teleporter wall box thing is very Halo 1 ish. And part of the map reminded me of stairs on Chill Out.

    But I have a few complaints about the map. Number one, where are the grenades? Grenades add such a cool dynamic to the battles in Halo. You should put some in the map.

    Second, it is very easy to grenade jump onto one of the boxes and then jump on the upside-down stairs. From that pinnacle, a player has an incredible view of the map. It's not game-breaking, but it might be annoying. Also, a player could jump into an open box from which there is no escape.

    Third, and I know you're still working on this one, there need to be goal objects placed in for objective games. The flag spawns you have now are set to Neutral. You've got to assign Attacks/Defenders to them. Also, maps like this that have cool layouts and geometry should be set up for King of the Hill. KotH is like Slayer except you can force players to battle it out across every inch of your map. And that would be cool on a map like this.

    Finally, you should look into placing respawn areas into the map. As it is, I'm afraid players would continually respawn in a couple different spots. I know you haven't done a lot or any testing, but I'd like to hear about how the spawns work if it has been tested or when it does get tested.
  17. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Did a forgethrough this morning and I'd agree with all that Furious said in regards to the possible tweaks/updates, so I won't repeat him. But I wanted to put in my two cents that this looks really sweet and the level of time you've put into the map really shows. I love the inverted receiver node; nice to see someone other than myself do that. You probably wouldn't even have to say anything to feel the Halo CE influence. I got up to one point on the map and thought, "Man, this would be a good place for a sniper rifle.". No sooner than I finished thinking that, the sniper almost literally fell into my hands. Nicely done and I'm looking forward to playing this soon.
  18. NaStY

    NaStY Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments man.

    Actually, it turns out that at this point I have done a lot of testing on this map. The spawns actually work out quite well, and don't seem to require much tweaking. As for grenades, MLG gametypes seem to keep you in ample supply. It's something funny about Halo 3 that I've noticed - placing grenades on a map is not as necessary as it may seem. I realized this back when H3 came out and I was doing a Construct forge. We played some games on it and it worked well and then I suddenly thought "What the hell? How did that work - there's no nades on this map..." The fact that grenades are underpowered in Halo 3 has caused people to not throw them as much. That means that you're more likely to pick them up from dead bodies and less likely to want to throw them, which in the end balances out to not needing them on map.

    As for the other stuff, yup and yup. I'm in brainstorm mode right now trying to think of the best ways to block the 5 sneaky ways out of the level. The CTF points were suppose to be set up, but didn't save for whatever reason - I'll get them soon enough. Hill I haven't done yet but suffice to say it should work well on this level once i get around to it. I want to avoid doing too many iterations so I'll keep the flag/hill spawns on hold till I have a fix for all the map escapes. Anyways, again thanks, you are the uber constructive criticizer :)

    Thanks also to squidhands, you're dead on with the CE influence. Halo is in my opinion the greatest shooter of all time, and it tends to show in my competitive maps.

    V2 is somewhere in the future, though I'm working on a new map right now that ideally will be
    -Competitive and interesting geometrically
    -Visually beautiful and consistent
    so keep your eyes peeled for Gothic. :squirrel_rocking:
  19. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    I was originally planing on writing a review on this version but would you like me to wait until you've released version 2?
    And I'll definitely be on the lookout for Gothic :).

    Peace // gorebound
  20. NaStY

    NaStY Ancient
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    You can go ahead and review it now - v2 won't be for a little while. Not only am I working on the ridiculously painstaking Gothic, but I have several other maps planned as well.

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