Nacht des Überlebens

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by xDigitalFatal1ty, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. xDigitalFatal1ty

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    Nacht des Überlebens

    Survivor log 001
    Name: Dante L. Borges
    Civilian: 1627091
    DOB: July 11, 2505.
    Date: August 2, 2531.
    Occupation: Swat Hostage Negotiator

    Six day ago the president of the free world was traveling on a plane named the phoenix, unknown to the passengers and pilots of the phoenix there was a biological mini nuke aboard the plane. At 4:59P.M. on Tuesday July 26, 2531 the pilots of the phoenix lost control and there plane started to fall. When the phoenix crashed at Ground Zero in New York it devastated every one within a 10 mile radius, no one lived or so that’s what every one had thought.
    Several Hours after the crash, Evacuation ship came in to pull out the dead. They were shipped to hospitals around the world to determine the cause of death. That was day one of the end of the world.

    Day two: At 11:39 A.M. the following day it was confirmed that the people affected by the bomb were not dead but infected by a virus that induced a deeper coma that any one had ever encountered. Hospitals work every hour trying to reverse the effects of the virus, There was no luck. Scientist worked at ground zero trying to find what had caused the infection of the thousands of people. Strangely there were no unusual readings.

    Day three: At approximately 3:41 P.M July 28, 2531, an infected man rose off the table. Doctor Jorge L. Sayers thought he had found a cure but he was wrong. Video surveillance showed Dr. Sayers being attacked by the man. He was bitten on the neck and left for dead, but several minutes after he was beaten, he to rose up and left to attack the hospital staff and the other sick. Hundreds of people died up and down the east coast. This day became known as "ID Infection Day".

    Day four: Hundreds more died and cases of mutation occurred within the zombies. They became stronger, smarter, faster, and quicker.
    The U.S defense protocol was not prepared to deal with an infection that was this fast and violent they manage to capture and examine each type of zombie they also separated every thing in to zones red being no life, yellow being mildly infected zones, and blue being safe zones. The east coast is gone. It’s red zone no one in no one out.There are no survivors and if there are God help them.

    Day five: The infection has spread to over 43% of the Unites States. Many uninfected take ships out of the country, others stay to hold up and defend. The infection would hit the mid west on day six and up till then i had no clue as to what was going on, I had been away in Mexico for the previous week.

    And that is my long story so far lol. Im done with the map but I need help testing it if you would like to help sent me a msg with your gt or you can friend me up on xbox my GT is DigitalFatal1ty. I need a full party to test this so the more the better. Im going to try to get the map out by the end of the month if I get it tested so here is a pic to give you an idea what it looks like.

    I will say that the zombies have 4 classes to pick from and for now they will be the left for dead "powers" and that’s ur only hint
    #1 xDigitalFatal1ty, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009

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