Nacht der Untoten

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Elliot, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    UNTOTEN - "What do you mean theres no way out!?!"

    Its been three weeks since the zombie pandemic started, Three long weeks. Your whole family is dead...Already the majority of the worlds population are infected. You and your friends are a few of the lucky survivors, well I say lucky, your probably better off dead in the state this world is in.
    After what seemed days of driving to escape the zombies your shitter of a car decides to die on you. And what makes it worse a huge pack of the enraged beings spot you. Your outnumbered group run for your lives through the deserted streets and come to a broken in wall. You all clamber through and manage to block it up.

    What lies ahead is for you to find out. Remember, this isnt a game. No extra lives, no health packs and no pausing. Just you and your fire arm. If your killed, you join their ranks.


    Primary weapon: Energy Sword[​IMG]
    Secondary weapon: N/A
    Health: 200%
    Health regeneration: 110% (faster)
    Invisibility: N/A
    Gravity: 100%
    Speed: 100%
    Weapon pick up: N/A


    Primary weapon: Magnum[​IMG]
    Secondary weapon: N/A
    Health: 500%
    Health regeneration: 0%
    Invisibility: N/A
    Gravity: 150%
    Speed: 75%
    Weapon pick up: Yes (hounor rule: dont pick up swords)


    Battle Rifle - BR55HB SR
    The accurate semi-automatic medium range rifle, fires three rounds per squeeze of the trigger. - Location Unknown

    Assault Rifle - MA5C ICWS
    Gas operated, fully-automatic projectile rifle capable of sustained continuous fire. Accurate if used in short, well aimed bursts and otherwise ferociously powerful at close range. - Location Unknown

    Shotgun - M90A CAWS
    The resident close-quarters assault weapon. - Location Unknown

    Rocket Launcher - M41 MAV/AW
    The accurate, destructive heavy ordnance weapon with long range scope. - Location Unknown

    Magnum - M6G Pistol
    A recoil-operated, semi-automatic handgun. Accurate and utilitarian in design, it is the ideal sidearm for a wide variety of troops. - To spawn with/extra ammo - Location Unknown

    Incendiary grenade - AP/AM
    The Type 3 AP/AM grenade that breaks when thrown, releasing a flaming gel that sticks to hard surfaces.- Location in spawn and behind house 2


    ^The broken in wall (your spawn)^​

    ^The way out, revealing two firebomb grenades^​

    ^Route one - Market street. Holds entrance to House 1^​

    ^Entrance to house 1 - i think Mr Jones was known for keeping a couple of weapons here.^​

    ^Roof of house 1, reveals another firebomb grenade^​

    ^Route 2 - terraced street, holds entrance to house 2, deployable cover spawns next to the two barriers^​

    ^Entrance to house 2, I think Mrs Brown bestowed a Battle Rifle here...^​

    ^Dead end - bottom of market street^​

    ^Bottom of terraced street to courtyard^​

    ^Abandoned Bypass and courtyard^​

    ^Abandoned Bypass^​

    ^Corner shop, do all corner shops have a shotgun behind the counter?...^​

    #1 Elliot, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2010
  2. ryguy3298

    ryguy3298 Ancient

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    Why did you name it Nacht der Untoten if it looks nothing like the COD version? Besides, Nacht der Untoten has been done MANY times before. My suggestion is that you re-name the map. But it's up to you. Other then that it looks like a lot of fun and well forged. I like the Abandoned Bypass, looks awsome.


    #2 ryguy3298, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2010
  3. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks very good, nicely made, shame about escapability, I also think you should rename it... maybe "Zombie City"? i especially like the aesthetics. definite download.
  4. ryguy3298

    ryguy3298 Ancient

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    Zombie City sounds too original. Try somthing like, The Apocalypse, The Last Stand, Dead Walking, or maybe Z-Day 2012.

    The choice is up to you of course. But all I am saying is that you should use your imagination when making the name of your map and try not to be too original.

  5. xItZ JENKiNSx

    xItZ JENKiNSx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Umm, how can you join "their ranks" if there is no extra lives? Anyways, the map doesn't look bad at all, but I am confused on where the zombies spawn. Perhaps a pic or a brief description? But on the other hand, I like that the fact that this is gametype looks like it would play like hardcore infection and judging by the map's foucus structure, that the humans are always on the move and I like that in infection.
    Ok, I played a game or two on it and the humans camped alot in house #1, but I'm quite not sure if the humans are overpowering there or my infected teammates never heard of teamwork. My overall thought of your map is that its a average map and there needs to be that one unique qualitie that will make my jaw drop. Please don't take what ever I said as insults, instead take them as challenges to make something mindblowing and enjoyable for everybody.
    #5 xItZ JENKiNSx, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010
  6. Twilight GN0ME

    Twilight GN0ME Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I definitely agree with others above in the aspect of the name. I do have to say I was pleasently surprised when seeing it wasn't another nact der untoten remake (Steer well clear of falling under that name), the aesthetics such as the motorway bridge in the background was an nice touch. I think with regards to the "Honor rule" with the swords, by doing that you're just tempting fate. The main issue with the map, as explained above is the lack of a unique twist within the map. Try placing timer mechanisms in each house to ensure that some buildings cannot be defended. Timer mechanisms are an unused godsend to most forgers. You must be commended on building the map on such a awkward map; I personally hate building on foundry but for the few who do build on pull out all the stops. Test it, make some tweaks to the mode and map and you'll have yourself a cracker.

  7. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    best weapon list ive ever seen on a post
  8. xItZ JENKiNSx

    xItZ JENKiNSx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Did you eat a SPAM and Cheese Sandwich?
  9. Gelatinous Yam

    Gelatinous Yam Ancient

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    The last stand is even more unoriginal because everyone THINKS it's original. ill bet nobody named a map zombie city because they thought it wasn't original. if that makes sense
  10. mooman219

    mooman219 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    All Your Pics Belong to Us
    Resistance is futile

    In other words, They all craped out, upload new ones please.
    I don't recommend Photobucket as they purge pics after some time.

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