Sandbox Nacht Der Untot

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by EliteSlayer, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    As most of you know, this is the first **** Zombies
    from Call Of Duty:WAW. Before I joined forgehub
    I took a look at Nacht Der maps that people made. When I
    took a look, none of the maps I saw were forged
    to my expectations(on sandbox). So I have decided to
    post my **** Zombies map on forgehub.It includes
    everything, inside and out, that the original WAW map had.
    The only problem is that I was unable to include the complete
    upstairs due to object limitations. Now, enough talking, here are
    the screenshots.(A newer version has been made now, click here
    to see it:

    Here it is, the **** Zombie map you have been waiting to see!​

    This is the inside of the first
    room-where the humans start off in.
    It includes two weapons, a battle rifle(Kar),
    and a carbine(M1A1 Carbine).​

    Inside 2

    The stairs and the porch for the
    zombies both open in two minutes,
    so you will need to hold off until then.​

    Once upstairs you will see that the rest of it is
    blocked off by walls, like I said, sorry,
    but the object limit forced me to
    block it off. You will also see that there
    is one window and 4 frag gernades.​

    Help Room Door
    The Help room door will open 1 minute
    after the stairs do. So if you ever get
    upstairs, you will most likely hold out
    until it opens.​

    Help Room
    This is the help room, the reason you
    have been trying to survive for so long.
    If you do actually get in here, you will be
    rewarded with the mystery box,
    a shotgun(works as any shotgun in ****'s),
    and a SMG(Thompson).​

    Help Room 2

    Well, that's basically it. Hope you like my
    map and have fun playing it. Feel free to
    tell me what you think of it, tell me if I could
    make it better in any way or if its the **** Zombie
    map you wanted.

    Download the map and see how long
    you can survive. By the way, my real gamertag
    is EliteArtem just to let people know.

    Click Here for Newer Version:
    #1 EliteSlayer, Jul 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2009
  2. TpYourHouse

    TpYourHouse Ancient
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    You didn't see any Nacht der Untoten maps that were up to your expectations huh? There is actually a map that incorporates the random box greatly and incorporates the act of zombies having to actually 'break down' the walls, but they actually have to get on a mogoose first in order to get inside and then get off. Its around here somewhere and its the greatest **** zombies map I have ever seen. And it still is. xD

    Good map though none the less. 4/5 but its already been perfected.
  3. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I ment on sandbox, I have changed that in my post now. I have seen the one on foundry you are talking about(I have it and play on it when I can't play on sandbox).
  4. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
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    Not bad as far as **** Zomb map go. The help door was done greatly in this map.

    However, im still waiting for a good shi no numa map.
  5. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am working on a Zombie Verruckt and Shi No Numa map right now. I can't say for sure but I might have Shi No Numa done first.
    #5 EliteSlayer, Jul 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2009
  6. RedvsBlue

    RedvsBlue Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the vurrect would be harder to make.
    i have seen a shi no numa field but the dude forgot a lot of weapons and other stuuf.
  7. Goggles99

    Goggles99 Ancient
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    Looks like a lot of fun but the humans could easily escape the base and kite the zombies
  8. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you play the game for fun then there should be no need to escape.
    I have tested this with a lot of people and only a handful of them actually ran away(its only common sense that you need to stay inside).
    #8 EliteSlayer, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  9. Minidoofus1

    Minidoofus1 Ancient
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    Good game. It wasn't much fun with 4 people in total. But if I had more people it would've been great. Awesome map everything is where it should be I especially like the grenade on the wall. You should make it though where only the Zombies come in, and the humans can't escape.
  10. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    not many games are fun with 4 players, but anyways, the least amount of players I would play this with is 6 and the most is however many people you want in your party.
  11. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    Did you use a stacked map to build this with it you wont hit the limit as soon. You could delete a few of the objects outside of the main map like some of the walls or the 3 fusion coils together maybe some of the stairs. It defiantly needs walls to prevent getting out of the map and maybe you could implement the mongoose idea too. Why do the stairs spawn before the help room or did I read that wrong?
  12. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    like i said, i will work on it and the mongoose idea can be used here which is what I will try to do. the stairs open first then the help door.

    Thanks for all the comments guys, I am now working on a v2 of my map, if you have any more comments or suggestions, please add them now.
  13. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good **** zombie map. sorry about hitting the object limit. i would lose the color effect. sorry dude but i still think mine is the best on sandbox. but yours is the closest to it and you dont even have the full map. PS i like the stairs nice job. i also just finished my second shi no numa map, which is alot better then my first one. i also hit the objest limit. good luck beating me in the shi no numa map. Mines called Shi Yes Numa.
  14. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By the comments and suggestions people have posted, i have made changes to this map and will be posting v2 soon(the second version is called Nacht Der Un...).
    Thanks for the comment cowboypickle.
  15. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok. ive played this map and it was extremely fun gameplay. THings to change. make an actual RWB. use the concept of mine if you want. delete one or two fusion coils out of each stack. make the upstairs inescapable. i showed you how to do that to. besides that i really like the gameplay for this. its just to easy to get out upstairs.
  16. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, something that could solve the main problem would be to rename the map: "Nacht ruins" or something like that so the incompleted building would make sense aesthetically being that it is in ruins.

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