Mythology is located in the corner of foundry and gives you a feel of anything but that. This 1v1 map feels bigger than it is because of its multiple levels. Mythology is best recomended without radar and is intended for MLG 1v1. Download
I played it with the three of us instead of 1v1, but I really enjoyed the map. The forging is neat and detailed. I love the location of that mancannon lol. The layout was a bit confusing at first (which is usually the case with most great maps), but I got it down by the end of the game. I'm glad you put to snipers on the map as opposed to one. The other weapons seemed well chosen as well. I thought it was really balanced expect for a few plasma grenades that spawned a bit fast. Maybe you changed that since I tested it though. Its a great 1v1 map and plenty of fun. You forge some great maps, Urban!
Thanks GG, and the grenades were intentional but I understand where you're comng from. Glad you could get a game on it, now maybe we can 1v1 >=). I'll more than likely lose but still haha.
The Forging looks very neat and tidy. I also like how you've incorporated Foundry's geometry into the design of your own map. Those fence walls in the 7th picture are a nice touch, too. I had to snicker a bit when I saw the M in the first picture. I just love it when people do that. I'd download it, but for some reason, none of my friends really like Slayer... Oh well, I'll still download it anyways. Well done!
this map lloks amazing. I really like how you used already excisting tparts of foundry into your map. expeacially the gravity lift, where you used the slant of the wall (i think). good map.
I saw this map sitting in your file share recently and looked at it trying to remember if I had ever seen it before. But I decided to just DL to see if I had played it, and to my delight it was a new map by the Myth himself. Everything was forged to perfection and really gave a nice feel to the overall map. Then that night I started up a 1v1 game on it and actually played a few times because the gameplay was so much different and fun with a confusing yet functional layout. Another great map Myth!
You have too much time on your hands. And I love you for it. Myth, this is an epic map. The only thing that would make it more epic would be to add some scenery outside those fence walls. (If there isn't already) These are the types of maps I love, fantastic job.
Very nice looking map, Urban. The layout seems promising, and (as always) the forging is superb. Not only that, but the map is actually aesthetically pleasing, which is a nice little treat. I look forward to getting a few games on this the next time I have the chance. I'll come give you a full review (you know, map flow, layout comments, weapon concerns and things of that sort) when I do actually play it.
This map is proble one of the most complex maps(on foundry) I have ever seen. I look forward at playing it
hi [i think this idea is great i think though that the monitors should have all different color eyes to signify your team color such as red or gold [you have a point there
The layout of this map is awesome. Your incorporation of the map geometry into actual gameplay is flawless, although, right around one of the BR spawns there is a hole above you can kinda wiggle through. I dunno if you should be able to do that or not. Otherwise, this is a very well done map.
yo this map is terrible you have some nice forging that's pretty much it maybe stick to making conquest
Since you are the only one I've heard a complaint from and have no reason as to why this map is "terrible." I'm going to ignore this and assume you're trying to piss me off.
Lol, if the forging is nice but the map is terrible... Then i must be missing something. Anyways, i think you've got some very nice stuff here. Usually i don't really like the aesthetic feel of foundry, but you really pulled it off here with that bay window, the sniper spawn and the like. The only occasional problem is the original foundry scenery hindering rather than helping in places, such as the pipes at sniper and the rough foundry walls in some of the tight spaces. But that's just personal more than anything. Other than that, superb. The M was a nice touch :3