no one is sure when it is coming out, prob within a month or 2. map names: look a few threads down. no pics yet (that i know of)
ya its comming out thursday the 25th of september. names of maps are on google just search for them. same thing with the pics. here is the name of maps and the skulls on that map¤t=Skulls.jpg
There have been no official dates for release. Try not to trust people on They lie you know.
LIES!!! There just saying that so you wont LOWER YOUR GUNS! ....but in the event that they do come out that k to pick up your weapon and fight....just for a little bit though :3
The map names: Citadel Longshore Assembly Heretic Orbital And last but certainly not least, Sandbox. 750 or so new Gamerpoints too. (1750 total)
They are likely not going to release all of those. I believe the first ones expected are Assembly, Moonbase Alpha (Orbital) and possibly sandbox (haven't heard much of it from bungie)
Cottonball was Avalanche. I think it is pretty obvious that there are at least 6 maps, from the Achievements.
no one knows when the maps are comin out, but its sure notthe 25th, thered be no time to tell people, itd be too sudden, ending up sounding like the day of their release, oh yea, new maps today btw, sorry for not telling you sooner......
ok ok. listen everyone. some people are a little confused i see and some may be aware, but there are 6 new maps as mentioned already. as we all may or may not know they are all going to come out at the same time because bungie has already said that this is a mythic map pack. they wouldnt put out 2 seperate maps packs of the same name. and they have not told anybody the release date yet and if the maps were coming out on the 25th they wouldve told us about 1 or 2 weeks ago. and i believe the surprise for the 25th as i know so far was the teaser of their new project.