Mythic map pack (Review)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by nuvnuv123, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    Hello dear forgehub community,

    I just wanted to share my thoughts about this new mythic map pack that has come out. From what I have seen, bungie has really put effort into this map pack. But should I say, after all of what bungie has given us, the halo community as a whole, that this map pack is bad? Well, in my opinion, I am kind of dissapointed with it. Now before reading this message, do not think i am some ***** kid in his early 6s who thinks h is so mighty and cool. No, I am just a very opinionated individual who justs wants to share his thoughts with the halo community.Now, Sandbox, of course. Bungie promised us sandbox and really came out on the other side with it. From all the diverse and unique objects, and the encrideble forging space, snadbox is a map that puts itself in the front for popular maps. Now, assembly. Very dissapointing. A couple games on it and it seriously stunk. For the first time in my life, instead of my parents kicking me off the xbox, I kicked my self off. When you first set foot on the map, you are tramatized by big glowing things that are purple and blue and all " covenanty" like. when you get past all that, the map is not so good. I thought this would be a midship like map, all qualities and features included but, no, It was a little different, but yet unappealing. Assembly is a map we are just going to have to get to know and get along with, like snowbound. Orbital, what we thought was a small walk around the block is a whole marathon around the city. Bigger than expected, orbital is ok. From all the cool asthetics, and stuff, orbital is pretty big and I really hate to say it, confusing and a trouble to get around. First of all, Where are my battle rifles! I could find any! Seriously. Infact, I couldn't even find the other team. Sad to know, really, it might just be my inane brain or the map. The only weapons i found where, I am not just saying this, plasma rifles, 1 mauler, 2 plasma pistols. That is all. I know there are more and it might sound wierd but trust me, this is coming from a guy who played about 20 games on orbital, online.

    Nevertheless, I can't thank bungie enough for putting thier utmost effort into this map pack and being the only video game makers that communicate with their fans. Even though I am not pleased with this map pack, I know, from all they have done for us, Bungie can and will do better, for their is no doubt that they have made probably the most popular video game in the world. remeber, I am just an opinionated person, so no hard feelings annyone, just wanted to let people know how I felt.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Seems to me you anticipated reviewing the maps more then actually playing them. If you don't know your way around a map, I don't suggest you review it. When writing a review, you should fluently know the weapon spawns, and common tactics to create diverse game play, benefiting the review plus giving you a wider spectrum of the maps potential. And, from the Assembly aspect, it's completely biased. From context, one comes to the conclusion that you dislike the map for it being purple? As I said prior, you didn't know Battle Rifle spawns on Orbital, yet a review is liable? I don't even find it fair for Bungie for someone to do such a thing. It's like eating the appetizer then reviewing the whole dinner off that. I suggest you play some objective game types on Orbital, for that is when it's true colors shine. As for Assembly, Team BR's is obviously the most renown, but even Neutral Assault illuminates parts of the map not commonly exposed in average experience.

    Though, I can also relate to you. Hearing the amazing reviews, and the exquisite game play, I anticipated playing the maps very much. My original set of games made me wonder why people were so amazed at Bungie's content, when I found they sucked. Though, after an initial set of games, I became accustomed to the maps, and that's when true game play started to flow.

    As I said earlier, please become more acquainted with the maps. Then,after doing so come back to the review and post your actual thoughts. Sorry if this came off aggressive, just it felt uninformative.
    #2 Playerhata27, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009

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