I started to make a SVG of that mini map on the screen. I've skewed and enlarged the map (but no proper SVG yet) and you can see that there are 2 sections, I assume that they will be the two floors.
Im interested in this one. I have a good idea for conquest here. Assembly is good looking, but this blows it out of the water.
Oh, Ill bet there will be something interesting in there. I hope so, because this map reminds me of The Storm, which had some...interesting objects.
There was no need for two threads about pretty much the same thing so I merged the two together and changed the name.
Matty's suggestions When forgehub's community maps were updated on Bungie.net, they interrogated Matty about what we would like in forge, and all these suggestions could very-well be possible in sandbox or any of the new maps. Here is a list of possible improvements: -more objects -object pathing -object spawn time improvements -ability to 'spawn out' as opposed to in -no item limit, but co-ordinating with budget, which would also be increased -removal some of the quirks I think bungie will concider doing these things, concidering that they are the ones that asked the question, they are thinking of improving. Source: Bungie.net : Inside Bungie : News : Forge Hub's Favorite Files Updated
If we could fly the dumpsters...and we could get out of the map... Dumpster Space Battles FTW. Feature NAO!
Thanks for the pictures Urk. I was just about to post something about this, but you're one crazy fast mofo. Oh, and nice memorial on Orbital. =D
hey its pretty cool that yo uput all this infromation all in one thread. Instead on looking through bungie net forums through different posts, you ocan look at this thread. Nice job
Thats really cool I love how you guys added the Mongoose on Orbital it should be interesting seeing the the interesting seeing the crazt splatters I can get on an indoor map. Oh and nice memorial.
Orbital appears much larger than i initially thought. which is a good thing. Also, the new assembly pictures [new to me], are sexy.
nobody has confirmed "a week after". Either way, im glad to see some new styles of environments. Im sick of the forerunner settings, cause almost every map has it. -Covenant themed like Assembly. -Urban themed like Turf. -awesome themed like Ivory Tower.