Bungie.net Bungie.net : Inside Bungie : News Bungie just released more pictures of the mythic map pack I am here just to post it in a thread so you dont have to go over to bungie. I am pretty sure no one else has posted these pictures yet. In my opinion these map are some of the best bungie as made Orbital Action Shots Assembly
wow this a very nice thread....took me awhile for all the pics to load but it was worth it. Very nice post glad you got a hold of this can't wait for the maps to come out......in fact when do they come out again
Wow, these look really good, no sandbox pictures?? Awww, I had to wait for like a minute for all the pics too load though, lol..
Yeah I wanted to see Sandbox as well. I wonder, do you think it will be like a giant box for forging, like Foundry, but bigger, and you know more sandy.
I think it is supposed to be like a greater version of foundry, I think its the outside part of foundry. Who knows I would like to see a preview of it
I like ho you took the time to embed all the pics eguitar, it's so much better than on Bungie having to click each one. I'm really excited for the map pack, both of these look really good and sandbox should be awesome. I really want to learn more about it though.
I think they should not have made us wait this long and wait till Halo Wars to get the new maps. We had to wait so long !
I'm really glad Bungie is starting to do what they do best, make good maps. I'm not hating on the others, but ever notice that pretty much every map out is dirty/rusty/flood infected/old? Halo 2 showed a wide variation of these kinds of maps, but Halo 3 has lost it. I'm so happy for Bungie to make this map, and hopefully it will bring back more true Halo players. P.S. Anyone notice Orbital looks like Elongation, and Assembly looks like Gemini? Thats what I meant by comparing these maps to Halo 2's maps.
Very nice finally getting out of the wartime brown military base theme I see. My hope for Sandbox is that it is a big open map with green grass nice sun. Basically if they made standoff not suck in simple terms.
Orbital looks sweet. It almost looks like an inside Blackout. I can't wait. Also, although there are no pictures, Sandbox sounds awesome. It's like Foundry, but upgraded 10 fold.
This is one of the only things beside reporting posts that i have done for the community to help and it wasn't really that helpful. oh well i tried lol
Thanks for the thread, I didn't feel like clicking each one of the sceenshots on Bungie.net. =] We will finally have a map with a cool background. Assembly's background is EPIC! Look at all that detail. All the other maps to date have a plain sky, but Assembly's sky is.... Green and is mostly covered some random junk. And Orbital has a cool setting, in space, and best of all, there are vehicles.
That "Escalation" picture with the escalator for some reason just pisses me off. It looks way out of place, and like it was specifically designed for a level in a videogame, not as part of a ship orbiting Earth. Other than that they look great and much higher quality than any other maps so far.
thanks for taking the time to embed all these,so we didint have to over b.net but i dont really like the second map,although the first one looks like a nepic win
They're really keeping Sandbox super secret, aren't they? But these pictures are good, I haven't seen them before, din't worry.
Did anyone else notice orbital has an escalator? idk about you guys but i think that's pretty tight and should have an interesting effect on gameplay, going up you'll go fast but down youll go slow. or the reverse of that idk. but what if we had forgeable escalators lol, then we could make pallet parade pretty easily.