Tiered? Edit: Ok, since that apparently wasn't clear what I meant, I mean how is this map tiered unless there's more to it than the screenshot. The screeny seems pretty not tiered to me.
tiered –adjective being or arranged in tiers or layers (usually used in combination): a two-tiered box of chocolates.
Spam? Seriously, add more to your posts. OP: This is a very nice find, I am now 99% convinced Bungie is not just messing with us. If this has not already been posted in the Sandbox discussion thread, you might want to go post this. Very nice find
This is rather old news. Sorry, but people have been celebrating this all last night. There have already been multiple threads made, but the Sandbox Discussion has seemed to prevail. Seeing, the title is Mythic Map pack article, I guess your clear. But if this does get closed you can just post your information on that thread. As to the description for Sandbox. I'm glad to finally hear confirmation on the layers controversy. I haven't really taken part in the prosecution but I hear it has something to do with pancakes? Lol, I just can't wait for the weekly update which should be making its arrival in the next hour or so. We'll see what happens then. Seems I was right on que. Here is the link to the weekly update. Not much info on the map then from what we already know, rather they're bracing us for whats coming in the future.