I created this map quite some time ago. Only a month or so after the map pack came out. Here it is, give it a go, see what you think. Nothing too complicated with this post. Team oriented map. CTF | Oddball | Bomb Perfectly Symmetrical DOWNLOAD HERE [To Kris; I always keep the U shape present]
Looks very clean, however there is much more information you should be giving; i feel very uninformed. Some over head pics of the entire map would be helpful as well as more info about the map in general. it appears to be symmetrical, but is it perfectly symmetrical? and what about weapons and pickups? i dont need a detailed list of every spawn time, but something that tells me how many power weapons that are on the map. i dont see very many weapons at all from the pics, just a needler, carbine and a plasma pistol. So you can you please give more info about the map next time you post cuz i prolly will be checking this out just because it looks very clean. 4/5
Agreed, thanks for the feedback. I have added a weapons list. I will try to provide a decent overhead view. EDIT: Added overview.
This map looks very clean, and well thought out. But, your description is lacking, and probably cant even be called a whole paragraph, thus making it an infraction. Back to the map, this looks like the most epic team doubles games, and looks suspiciously like a map that is currently in matchmaking. Problem is, this one looks better. I have a few questions though; Do you have problems with people power-camping in the bottom tunnels? And; Any problems with spawn camping? Looks a little clustered together, almost like you could toss a sticky and get a kill at the instant start of the round. Maybe if it was bigger, and had a reasonable description that didnt make me feel so uninformed, this would be amazing. Untill then, just a showoff of really good skill.
I have played this map so much more than is necessary for testing, like I said in the description I made this a long time ago. My favourite gametype on this map is CTF. I haven't ever had a problem with spawns, only when you're trying to play FFA with like 8+ people do problems arise, obviously. But this map is certainly geared towards teams rather than FFA. As for not having much info, I'm fairly sure I've given everything that's necessary, what else do you think I should be adding to the description to help you feel like you have been well informed of the map? I'm not one for creating a backstory, they're far to corny and unnecessary for my liking. And a matchmaking map? I haven't played matchmaking for a while so I don't know what you're talking about, but thanks for the props in saying this one looks better =P As for camping in the tunnels, you can try if you want, but it almost never happens. When you play it you will understand how that could be a bad thing. Originally this map's interior tunnel system did not have a wall through the middle of it, which did make it far more camp happy [say, a little snowbound~esq, if you know what I mean]. I modified the architecture a little and replaced the Shotgun with Maulers and the evening out was complete. Anyway, thanks for the mostly positive feedback.
That is a nice looking map dude. I'll give it a DL and check it out. BTW; Where did you get the smexy weapon list pic?
Meh, it's cleanly crafted but I never like the plus-shaped design. You also add certain things onto the map such as the teleporters which I guess are sniper-based except that they have no clean shot anywhere on the map. Crafting 9/10, design 6/10, concept, 7/10.
The map looks very good I'm currently DL'ing to test it but the only addition to the map i could think of is making some guard rails to prevent from walking off while in a br fight or something.