Well I bought a year subscription, but my gamertag was recovered at a friend's house during this time. Since you need xbox live to recover a gamertag, I don't have it, technically it is at my friends right now. How am I supposed to get it back to my house with the subscription still on it? If you have any suggestions just post em up, because I don't wanna waste my days.
You don't need Xbox Live to recover a gamertag. Simply connect your console to the internet (make sure its working by going to System Blade>>Network Settings>>Test Xbox Live Connection). It should pass that test. If it does, then just go to the Xbox LIVE blade and it "Recover Gamertag from Xbox Live." This will disable the one at your friends house (the profile can still be used, but it won't be able to connect and therefore it will basically be a local profile), and enable you to come forge on LIVE with the rest of us! To access the LIVE Marketplace and play games, yes, you need a LIVE account. However, to access the Xbox LIVE signup tool (of which the recovery tool is a part), you just need to connect to the server. After all, it would be kind of paradoxical if you needed a LIVE account to make a LIVE account.
When I try and connect to test it, it gets to the xbox live part of the test and says failed. I don't know why it would be though, every other part of the test works perfect.
well, a Memory Unit would move your account, but as you are unable to connect to LIVE from your system that is irrelevant. Are you connecting from a router? If so, try either forwarding ports 88 and 3074, or enabling your 360 as a DMZ. If you don't know how to do this, I'm going to need you to give me the model number of your router so I can walk you through it.
Can we work this out tomorrow? I can't get all this info right now, as I am typing in my bed. And do you have skype, aim, or msn? It would be so much easier.
sure! If I am at my computer, I'll be on the IRC. Just hop on there and say "jigglypuff" and if I'm at my comp I'll answer. If I'm on xbox, then go ahead and MSN message me at elcapitaine@gmail.com, I have it linked to my xbox. Or send me a friend request and I'll help you out through voice chat.