I dont know if there's anyway to fix it besides getting a new one but my xbox can only read certain discs, will only load maps half of the time, and spazes out like crazy. Does anyone know if there is anyway to fix it? **Edit** Im going to buy a xbox arcade.
time to get your warranty out. i hear this is right before the RROD. this also probobly belongs in Game Discussion
My warrenty is void unless its the RROD. :squirrel_sad: I never thought I'd be wanting RROD to happen.
Mine doesn't read the discs sometimes. Sometimes I have to smack the xbox or clean the disc. Mostly smacking it....
My friend had the same thing happen to him, so he sent it in. He only had it for a couple of weeks and it was an Elite. I think this is week 2 for him not having an Xbox.
It should take about 3-4 weeks for Microsoft to finish. I just went through week 2 and starting week 3.
Ouch... Try leaving your Xbox on overnight or something. That will give it RROD. Then you can use ur warenty... (Srry for my terrible spelling)
Worst case scenario is that it gets too bad, Microsoft won't take it, and you will have to buy a core. Otherwise I would say pray they take it without asking questions
yeah that sucks, i'd say leave it on for a long time and hope for the worst (red rings of death) and then send it in and hope for the best. i had to send my xbox in for rrod and it took like 4 weeks to get it back and they sent me one with a broken button that opens the tray, you have to push it a certain way and same thing with the power button but that might just be me that had that happen. so you might want to think about it before you try to get rrod and lose your xbox for 4 weeks.
If it does die, take care of it while it suffers and make sure it has the least painful death possible. Then go buy a new one.
That's why you always ALWAYS buy your stuff at Best Buy, and get the 2 year replacement plan. it has saved me so much time and money its not even funny anymore. To put this in perspective I rolled over my headset in my X-Rocker, broke it into like 5 peices, brought the pieces in, and because they were in the original box of the 360 i had the warranty on they replaced my headset lol. Not to mention 3 consoles, soon 2 b a fourth I'm fed up with my lags and occasional freezing, and an old worn-out controller.
that cant be true, it depends how it breaks. If your Xbox breaks because you used a cooler then they wont take it. If it breaks because you broke on purpose or on accident they wont take it. They only take it if it breaks because of the red rings of death.
just make it get RROD. wrap it in a blanket and leave it on overnight.it should have RROD by morning. it takes a loong time for microsoft to fix it though.they ended up sendin me a new one (with 1 month of XBL) good luck
I might try the wrap in blanket overnight thing, but I've pretty much decided just to buy a new xbox. To bad they dont sell cores anymore.