Now have red lights. I had a good friend of mine work his skills at modding for me. This was done through a tedious (and a bit sketchy) removal of the tiny green led's, then soldering in the red led's. the led's were $0.22 each, bought 10 red and 10 blue(put the blue in my brothers without telling him lolol). You only need four for each controller you want to change, but extras are a very good idea (broke one, lost another. They're tiny). This could also be dont on the xbox 360 itself, but it would void your warranty, and with RRoD always on the horizon i would personally never. I couldn't tell you exactly how to do it, lol, but look it up if want. I'm mainly showing off. What do you guys think?
It reminds me of a normal xbox control except the light is red instead of green. O wait... ummm it's kinda cool, but I would have just gotten some red light filters for cameras, put some glue on it, cut out a ring and pasted it on =P
lol, but it's not a filter that makes it green in the first place. The lights themselves are the color that they show up as. and another thing, they match my room
That is actually pretty simple I would think.. I want to try. However, I will wait till I mod my controller shell and paint it, so then I can choose the best fitting color LED.
Bit off topic but... your colorblind? To keep on topic... now you have to make the A B X Y buttons light up as well
That would probably be ugly, but if you did it with the right colors it might look good =] Rainbow Controller!
I've got a white contoller. What colour LEDs should I mod in? I could do it in electronics at school. That'd make electronics fun!
now this may become the next craze.... cant wait to buy a controller on ebay with a yellow light, a purple light, a white light, and a blue light...
Actually, can someone give me a tut on how to take the controller apart and how to remove the old LEDs? I wanna make yellow and red ones. So when the battery gets low, I'll actually notice!
This is actually a good idea espeacially with having controllers with each one a different color. my lil brother is a germaphobe, so he never likes using things i touch. i could do this so we would always know which controller is which.
Those are very sexy. Personally I would change mine as to have multiple colors(i.e. Red & Green or Blue & Red or maybe even rainbow).