For a person going to school, just put time into schoolwork and do extracurricular activities and sports that you like. Make it so that you are at school for a long time after the academic day ends (not the most glamorous thing) but you will eventually be forced to talk to people that share interests with you and socialize with them. Then people will begin to get used to you and like you, just try hard not to turn people away from you.
yeh but that doesnt make him stand out or be original or memorable. my suggestion is just do something that you enjoy doing and do it well and get known for it. preferably something totally outrageous.
Find something that challenges you and give it your all. As JFK said "Do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard"
Be funny... It's the best way to get people to want to be around you. Also don't be afraid to take the heat for something or make yourself the butt of the joke. Doing dumb things on purpose is usually funny. Seriously. Humor and a big **** are the two ways to get girls to like you. With guys I find that as long as you're not a total loser they will accept you. Sometimes older people haze a bit but if you can get through that stage having older friends is a great gateway.
So you're looking to be famous? Fame is overrated. I mean you walk down the street and everyone goes OMG!! It might be alright the first few times but then later, not so good. And if you want to be famous find something you enjoy and are good at, and do it. Or are you looking to be more socially active? Then just get out more. Do different things and meet knew people, but don't do things you don't agree with just to fit in.
Let me say that you have the wrong attitude, and if you want to succeed it's going to need to change. First, it appears you are pissed at your mom (blasting music to annoy her) and she has fibromayalgia, something she is stuck with. Don't get mad at her, don't be pathetic. Guess what? My mom has fibromayalgia as well, as well as rhuemetory arthiritis. She does alot to upset me and so I live with my dad. She has done things to me in my childhood that most people say they would have never forgiven her for. However, I still do everything I can to keep her happy, even if she doesn't believe it. Being mad at your mom has nothing to do with this. Second, you just don't say "I want to be great, now." You have to work toward it. You find something you like, and you grow into it. I am far from being socially popular or even a big name, but for the past several years I have worked my ass off. As it stands, school administration as well as some district administration know who I am from my countless hours of work I put into representing our school through visual media. My friend's and I do live broadcasting, I've done some comercials for money, I've created promotional material for my school that has gone to national competitions. Most if it was utter crap and I despise most of the work, but I still do it. Why? Because I am working up to where I want to go, not just jumping there, and I am beginning to expand. Some teachers know what I do and they come to me, and now even kids in my school that I share classes with (even if I hardly know them) will come to me. I am building a foundation, and it is because of this foundation I wll be allowed to grow. What foundation you ask? How are those things benefitting my ultimate goal? Thanks to our (my friends and myself) work for the school, they are giving us more privelages. We have over $30,000 in equipment, and we have access to all of it. We do the morning announcements, and now we can add onto them. An example of this is the satiracle news program my friend and I put together last semester. This coming school year, I will be doing a webseries of which I will put on the morning announcements, resulting in a school of over 500 students viewing my work. Free publicity. With our expensive live broadcasting equipment, and past experience, my class can begin doing live broadcasts of events outside of our school district. We can make some cash on the side doing this, and we already get almost 2000 viewers per session, and that is for school events. With such a large number, I can begin doing independent advertisements with local companies and other groups for small fees, with the promise of displaying said advertisements and comercials during our live coverage to a large audience. Again, cash in my pocket and building my name in an industry. My ulitmate goal is film, and currently I am more centered around television production. Regardless, I am building connections in a field that leads to another, my ultimate goal. I've already been contacted by a local studio asking if I would be interested in an internship. Usually you have to go to them, but they are coming to me instead. The point of this is, you can't just say "I want to be known." You have to work toward it doing something you love. You have to be willing to grit your teeth, and you have to be patient, and in the end you will succeed. You can't beg for success, or ask for success, you can only persue it. Sitting around being mad at your mother and worrying about social interactment is not going to do that. I will be heading into my Junior year this August, and for the most part I am not very well known throughout my school. Those that I do come in contact with, I just remain myself and am personable, and by the end of my Sophomore year I was beginning to become a larger name. I didn't ***** myself on Myspace, I didn't join sports programs, I didn't go to dances. I was just myself, and it is taking awhile but it is sure as hell paying off. So find what you love, pursue what you love, and just be yourself.
just join something. talk to some new people. you'll fond something that you'll like and then go with it. make yourself feel important to just you. just get out there
Oh this is just DYING for some Fragism. Of course no one really knows you. All you are to most people is "The guy with the hot chick in his avatar," which means you can be lumped with the rest of the guys with those kinds of avatars. "It's a fling! Let's all put chicks as avatars because we think they're hot, and it obviously shows how lonely I am with me and all my porn." If you're ticket to greatness is having a chick as your avatar, and being yourself, then you'll still be someone who just has "A hot chick as an avatar." Yea, that's all I really see you as. Some creep along with everybody else with females as avatars. I mean, I can't relate to any of my friends anymore because they have indecent avatars. As a boy, I lose thought of what they really are, and say in my head: "Hey, it's a girl" when I look at the avatar. I can't go and say: "Hey! It's my friend So-n-so!" Look, I don't care if your avatar isn't posing in any disgusting poses, that is fine. Then I can actually talk to him. I don't think in my head "Oh, my friend is a huge pervert." I can think, "hey, that's probably just his girlfriend, or his crush." Then that's understandable. It's like someone loses humanity when they put all this perverted crap in their avatars. Your signature doesn't exactly help either. But this is just my opinion. I'm sure you can become "great" with your indecent avatars. ( -3-)
Fragman thats alot of people here, though i do agree. You have to find something that has'nt been done that much before, standout somehow don't go along with everyonelse.