My thoughts on borderlands.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dow, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Ok so being stuck with no live for 9 months now, boredom comes easily. The only gaming I do is playing through campaigns of borrowed games from friends. This habit lead me to borderlands.

    I know the game is not really new, but I just got it. On my main character I am a lv 42 siren on my second playthrough, and I have to say that the siren is pretty much a ****ing monster when it comes to running around just setting **** on fire and killing enemies you didn't even know were there.

    As far as the guns, the loot system seems lacking, as the only guns worth using are only attainable by the weapon lockers. I also think that sniper rifles are generally underpiwered compared to the other weapons. The only time I even used one was in the lance enclave because the AI were too stupid to chase me from that faraway. However, I did get this one shotgun that was just ****ing murderous. It was lv 24 and did 69x9 damage with around 70 yes 70 accuracy and good fire rate, but here's the kicker, it had a 4.1x zoom so I was ****ing sniping kids all over the place with my shotty. I killed thelast boss in under 2 minutes by hiding behind one of the stone pillars and getting critical shots with all 9 of my shotgun shells.

    One thing that dissapointed me about this game was the ending, for several reasons. First of all, the guy who was with steele at the end of the game was even reffered to by name but mysterriously had no dialogue, and simply dissapeared after the vault boss showed up. Another thing is I don't understand why it was so important to open the vault... There wasn't anything of value in it and the shotgun I mentioned earlier was even better than the "lethal crux" dropped by the vault boss. Also, the whole satellite thing with guardian angel made little sense, and left too many questions.

    All in all I had fun, but even though the game is capable of multiple playthroughs, I quite often lose motivation to keep playing due to lack of replay value. All of the weapons fit the same template with slight modifications... All of the eneemies and missions are the same, and I often get the feeling that I am just running around a desert doing pointless crap... Oh wait.

    Anyways, I am sure it might be a lot funner to play with a couple buddies and maybe get into some arguments about who got the first good gun to he found after hours of dungeon crawling. All in all I would give it a 6/10

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