Well, since I have alot of stuff to show and I really really don't want to kill any 56k's in this topic, I am going to link to my photobucket and devart pages. Please comment here or there depending on what you want. http://emn1ty.deviantart.com/ - consists mostly of photography, experiments, and large peices. http://s49.photobucket.com/albums/f276/PAND3MON1UM/ - mostly consists of my begginer photoshop work with signatures.
I like your typography pieces in your photobucket gallery. Do you just vector those pieces in your DA or do you come up with these characters yourself? At any rate, your work is fantastic. http://emn1ty.deviantart.com/art/Read-Between-the-Lines-71863302 This piece is amazing. Drop shadow is a little large, but I love that image. Good stuff. http://emn1ty.deviantart.com/art/1st-Planet-Earth-2-56647109 This piece needs cleaning up. Planet's are really easy to color, if you know how. When I make my oceans I put a light blue, cyanish, and a dark navy blue in the center. It can look terrible! After you resize it the colors mix so well you will be amazed at how perfect the water can look. Make it at 4000 x 4000. A resize it to w/e you need. Desktop size. If you need help with nebulas, equally as easy, I can show a way to make a great nebula with relatively little effort.
Thanks alot for the feedback Nitrous. The planet ones are really just experiments. Im in the process of observing as much as I can about space-scape know-how to try and create a good piece, but with school starting up again its a bit more difficult.