So me and my 3 brothers decided to have our own screenshot contest, so vote which 1 is the best, yes some suck, and they are not related to each other at all because there is no theme. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Lol this is something me and my brothers would do...I actually like the 3rd one the best cause theres not a lot (if not no) pictures of those bug guys...and they look cool cause it looks like there swarming out of that covanent ship.very nice 4/5
Shot 3, I like the locusts and the way that they come down from the ship through that hole in the roof looks pretty cool.
Damnit we've had enough "effect" pics, we need more pics of unstaged action play!! That's why I say #4. Even though none of them are really that awesome. No offense.