Hello! I just joined 2 days ago and I tought it would be a good idea to post my best pictures here. I have content that is worth to be known but only 1 of my pics has over 1000 downloads. Here is my top 5. And my best for the end... Bungie.net Links!! Link screenshot 1 Link screenshot 2 Link screenshot 3 Link screenshot 4 Link screenshot 5 Any comments?
holy **** the last one is instant bungie favs you deserve reconz for tat i though you said only 1 of your pics has over 1000 when the last has like 26321
Joe ~> I told you in March when I got selected. You didn't remember!!! Reptar ~> lol Many people told me that this shot is recon worthy. I think it's favs worthy but not recon. I don't want this armor anyway.
I know... And if he has recon for this screenshot, I should have it too. Because I told him about this effect. >:O
I'm enjoying the position of the elite on the fourth one. Looks like he's about to tackle someone or diving from the explosion.