heres a quick sketch of my ipod that i did today in study hall, tell me what you think. oh, and the proportions are about 92% accurate, -8% because i didnt have a ruler to accurately measure with *note, that uneven line at the top of the sketch above the date, thats supposed to be like that, my ipod lock screen is a little glitchy *also, please keep in mind all I had was a piece of looseleaf, a pencil, my ipod and my hands for measurement tools.
Everything looks relatively good except for the before mentioned home button on the bottom and clock with the writing "Thursday, December 10". I understand it's only a quick sketch as I always doodle in Study Hall but everything else looks good about it including the actual iPhone shape.
I would have spent some extra time working on the picture you use for your background. It looks really plain.
yeah, i had a dull pencil , so i couldn't realy get the home button right, also, i couldn't really get my background right, so i just shaded it in. as for the date, it took like four trys to get it legible, which is probably the reason why it looks kind of weird. thanks for the CnCing, keep it up