There is some kid on YouTube that has been posting some absurd stuff on YouTube (who would of thought that there are stupid people on the internet) that I've decided to try to talk some sense into. Unfortunately he has already sparked Anonymous into attack mode, and I'm afraid that I will not be able to get a response from the kid. Spoiler Not part of the message I sent him: I love 4chan and don't think it or Anonymous should be disbanded, I would like to see more focus on some of the better uses for "teh lulz" like the attacks on scientology instead of some of the stuff it does. Josh, I'm going to have a serious discussion about some of your theories and would encourage you to respond to this message, in a video or in text. 4Chan and Anonymous This is something I agree with, well sort of. 4Chan is a site that can handle hundreds of thousands of users at once and spamming will not take them down, you would need to hack them to do anything, and that would last only a couple of days maximum. They will probably IP ban you, meaning that you will not be able to access the site from that internet connection (IE your house). Anonymous is a group that I don’t agree with. It’s cyber terrorism, but there fight against scientology is good. If you take a look into scientology you can see that it is a scam. What kind of religion makes you pay to be in it? If you look into it’s beliefs you will see how weird they are. The Bible The Bible was written hundreds of years after Jesus and is just a bunch of stories that teach morels like be a good person, don’t steal, and love your neighbor. It’s not all fact and the authors didn’t mean for it to be taken as fact. God If you really want to know the full story of the creation of the idea of god I’d read the book “The Salmon of Doubt”, yes I know it is a silly title, but it discusses a lot about evolution and god (along with some funny stories, it’s a compilation of articles and stories by Douglas Adams that was published after his death) that are really interesting. Here is a quote that sums it up “Imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in, an interesting hole I find myself in, fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!' This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it's still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for.” -Douglas Adams. The puddle is us and the hole is what we think is god, but the fact that we fit the hole is due to evolution (discussed below). Yes I am atheist. Big Bang Theory First off you can't really have a discussion if you are not open to opposing ideas. Second it's hard to make an argument when you do not have all the facts, and your basic assumptions are off. Basically there was a super dense and hot clump of matter that basically exploded forming all the elements (IE: gold, oxygen, hydrogen, etc). These atoms eventually clumped together due to the attractive force of gravity. And why is it easy to say that there was always a supernatural being, but hard to say there was a clump of matter? Evolution Evolution happens and can be divided into two different categories (sort of, one is in the other). The short term category can be seen in viruses and bacteria that have become resist to regular medicines. It occurs because some of the bacteria does not die when the medicine is administered or because a person does not take all of the medicine. The stronger bacteria is resistant to the medicine and multiplies into a large amount of stronger bacteria. Now for the other group which really encompasses the smaller group, imagine subtle differences in animals that allow one to run faster than another of the same species. The faster one survives because it can escape from predators. This animal goes on to breed and make faster animals and this happens over and over again over millions of years. The changes are not easily noticeable because no one lives long enough to actually see the changes. And again some of your assumptions about evolution and those who originally thought of it were a bid biased. Gay Marriage I live in Texas and let me tell you, we are not all you think we are cracked up to be. We don’t all have great educations and the crime rates in the cities are, quite frankly, bad. Before I start I would like to tell you that I am not gay. The Bible, which says that gay people are bad, is filled with view points of its authors and not of God’s or Jesus’s because it was written hundreds of years after Jesus’s death. So a group of people don’t like gay people. Well we should make up are own views, not let someone else blindly control our own views. I think that anyone can live just as good of a life living with someone of their own sex. Maybe they will even adopt a child instead of having one, I’m sure the orphaned child would like to have a home. Violent Video Games There has been no correlation found in violent video games and actual violence, in fact its quite the opposite. People who you’d expect to be bullying people are bullying people not playing the games. As for the addiction you talked about, that is more of a personal thing. There can be a balance between video games and other things, like everything in the world to much will hurt you, you just need to find the balance. Josh it would mean a lot to me if you would respond to this.
He's too young to know what he's talking about. I doubt he'll respond to your message because he's probably getting death threats left and right from Anon.
The big bang didn't form all the elements. It formed all the matter and energy. Probably all matter was hydrogen and anti-hydrogen. The stars are the cause for heavier elements. You're talking the wrong sense into people.
Calling out anon? Dang, his 'web goin down for a year! -.- I agree anon could be used for better stuff than attacking 17 year olds youtube accounts -.- There are some funny ass people on there and some really smart people, combine then and hacking into large TV screens and stuff in R/L would be better lulz.
Thats not true, there has been studies, that I've personally read, which found evidence suggesting an increase in aggression after playing certain video games. Some games, such as puzzle/problem solving, have like you said have the opposite effect however some games such as FPS's have shown to increase aggression in participants. Still, its an honourable quest and I wish you every success.
Your a bit off in most of those :\ including quite an ironic title. (My Quest To Educated? The Big Bang formed from nothing. All matter was contained within a singularity. The fact that it is all of the matter to ever exist in our universe is negated by the fact that it's volume was nil. It was nothing. It expanded at a ludicrous rate, with nuclei and the four basic forces associated with it forming first. As everything expanded, it cooled down, and sub-atomic particles began to form, and eventually (1 million years in) atomic particles like Hydrogen had assembled, in the form of Stars. All other elements are the product of fusion within living stars, or the debris from supernovae of dying stars. And i'd disagree with a few other points in different regions (although unfortunately i can't be assed to comment), but yea. It only takes a few minutes to look up what you want to talk about and get accurate information, but i enjoyed the irony, and your enthusiasm to educated the retards and Darwin award contenders.