CHALLENGE INTRO: So I'm starting Graphic Arts and stuff, but instead of making my own thing for this, I decided I'd let more talented people do it. So the challenge is to make me a new avatar. Hopefully I can get a good avatar. My hope is lying within you. DETAILS: Here are the requirements: *You must love me. *You must be dedicated to my cause (which is nothing at this point). *Skills. Even if they aren't Graphics skills. I don't care. You could be good at posing for all I care. Possible Themes: *Rocket ***** *Doesn't have to be halo *Awesome Winner will recieve Sampson points, redeemable for Sampson prizes. Challenge ends when I am pleased with an avatar. All challengers are welcome. CHALLENGE HISTORY: McAffe ate my avatar. I need a new one. FORMAT: * Statement of your love/loyality to Sampson: Brief statement pledging your love and/or loyality or whatever else you see fit to pledge to Sampson. Qualifications: What you believe qualifies you. Have fun with it. * Avatar: Post the avatar Closing Statements: Something about why you think I should pick you and thank-yous to your mom and your company and your wife or whatever. IN CLOSING: So go out there and do what you do. Sampson believes in you. Thanks for taking the challeging.
Mega THUMBS!! your like my XBL buddy... how could you not love me the same as i love you? Also i borrowed $500 from your bank account. About the avatar... kinda plain. I need something that POPS. like popcorn. *pop* *pop* *pop*
heres a couple while i make one... what kind of ones would you like? idk if you can use animated ones but i can find deepmonkeypaw's thread for you
nope. i just need a new one. idc if no one wants to do it. just wanted to see what the community could spit up for me. but thanks for trying (if you did) and if you still wanna try go for it. i'll make one for myself pretty soon.
* Statement of your love/loyality to Sampson: I would love to be able to post this in my thread and there for I WILL love you if you pic mine. Qualifications:I can animate **** * Avatar: ({[coming soon]}) Closing Statements: *see why I love you*
hey animating stuff is easier if I have a stock image to go off of so could you either give me specifics or an image that you want animated.
drax yours is really good. i'm not sure what hell clown's is. its just Asper's smiley blinking. i don't think you can even have animated avatars. and asper would get pissed.