Here are my ODST pics from campaign these are tagged on as the same Electric ODST A Real Solider Green ODST ODST Hell Here are 2 other pics that aren't ODST Dark shield Cold Sword tell me which of these are the best plz
I really love the ODST Hell one, it looks amazing. I really like the Cold Sword one too. But overall ODST Hell is best in my opinion. Great Gallery. Keep It up.
I like Green ODST and ODST Hell. Those are my favs because you got really cool effects. Cold Sword looks weird though because the spartan is all distorted. 4.5/5 for all of these. It's just a matter of time before you get on Bungie Favs dude. Seriously... you're a really good screenshot taker.
Well, these are average, the first one ive seen before 2/5 second: isnt to good either 2/5 third: this is the worst one, dont like that effect 1/5 fourth: im really getting sick of that effect, seen it before 1/5 Overall 2/5, the best one is the second one
second is the best because you can clearly see the features on his body. whereas the rest you see some gay ass effect and can barely recognize it is an ODST solider. You can't even see his blue helmet.
Dark Shield is definitely the best, but all the others are mind-blowingly average. They look exactly like the million other ODST shots on Bnet. But Dark Shield is cool. It looks.... I dunno... HD.