I really don't know whether this is good, bad, egg shaped or anything. It's based on the new ODST HUD outlined effect. Please give me some feedback thanks.
I think it's nice, very simple and clean. If anything just do some more things to it like effects and maybe more renders. Try to experiment ;D. Also, the gray background is kinda bland.
The concept of this sig is good, but it looks very empty to me. I know it would be a lot of work, but I think that if you took a Halo 3 action screenshot and did this effect using a screenshot, it might look better, because there would be a background and context for the Brute and the Grunt, as opposed to just plain gray. The border is good, and I like the way that you have the Brute and Grunt outlines over the border, that really makes the border feel like it is supposed to be there instead of just pasted on at the end. Other than that, not too much to say. Overall, it is a nice concept and a nice sig, but I think it would be better if you had used a screenshot and added the outline effect to that.