I'm sorry reynbow but i felt like i had to have something of my own making for my sig. so this is it. (in my sig, duh).. so what does y'all think? i asked about the main sig earlier but now i need advice on the text? how does it look? oh and one other question; is my sig too big? i made it 500x200 but just wanna make sure. so i like big sigs...
Fine, fine.... I LIKE IT..... *gasp* Wow that was extremely hard.... Phew, glad thats over... now u can drool over my signature
lol yeah. im either gonna bring back my old thread or make a new one because i have been making alot like this.
i made half the background. from about the beginning of the T in knight to the end of the V in even, was already done. i expanded it using the clone stamp
He's going around spamming for no reason NECROing threads... It's annoying! REPORT! Why did you say sorry on the OP? Lol... I only just noticed xD