I made a new screenshot a week or so ago and I do not know if I like it as much as some other pictures I have made. I realize that there is blood behind his head but I could not get rid of it. The Myth
If you give yourself shields and high resistance, I believe that your shields won't die, and you don't bleed. Or what if you made yourself invulnerable? Just a couple of guesses.
Are you posting a shot, or just discussing? Because if it's just a question, this should be moved to the Screenshot Discussion forum. If I just cant see the image, then my bad for posting.
I posted a screenshot and I can assure you that it is there. I am sorry you can not see it. I was invulnerable during the the game. I also had a high damage resistance to prevent that from happening.
This is alright, nothing really special though. The blue effect is kinda cool, but the blood behind his head is really distracting.