My new screeniez

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by Silva Sniper, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My Gallery So Far.Here are some pics I took with my Friend,Black Theorem or something.Any ways here they are.The First one is Rainbow.[​IMG]Here is another called Vendetta[​IMG]And this bad brute was caufgt lying[​IMG]And here is my fav,Savior[​IMG]Please rate and comment sorry bu dont have links now.
  2. MrSpi

    MrSpi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow these are good the brute was funny
    the top one is a littel to blery
    the pink one is great for Vday and all
    and the last one is good
    4.3/5 on all

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